Bugged emperors gift (maybe?)

My first character was a zealot, played with him for about 120 hours, and got quite a few emperors gifts. quite common actually.

A few days ago i re-made a zealot, to test out if backgrounds played into weapon rng and such, and also fix his height (he was too short).

Since then i have level up to trust level 30 and so on. In the last 40 hours i have played, and in those 30 levels, i have recieved 2 gifts. This seems off?

I can imagine this is connected to already having two of the same class. i dont know. but this seems off. like i said 40 hours of gameplay, leveled up to level 30… a total of two gifts. My friends that i was playing with yesterday got 3 gifts in 4 maps.

Even if it is random, that seems off comparatively to everyone i am talking to.

i have now deleted the old zealot character, in hopes that it changes anything.

Fatshark? anyone? thoughts?

It could very well be RNG and bad luck, but Emperor’s Gifts are already under investigation in case there’s something else going on.

thanks. keep us posted.

heard that “+chance to drop curio instead of weapon” is bugged and results in less drops alltogether

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There is something going on with gifts related to some characters my 2 other’s gets gifts but my psyker cant get any 40+ missions 0% drop this is not even fun to play with 30 levels and just wait vendor reset on 1 when other’s can get loot and stopped playing that character. Pls fix this so sad to play on 0% drops.

yea… my daily store has had nothing but garbage none stop and i cant recall the last time i saw an actual upgrade in the shop… top it all off with that fact that my zealot is not my main but gets gifts from every 3 out of 5 runs i do and my veteran main literally NEVER gets gifts and thats not an exageration i have gotten no gifts since i actually cant recall when…

also play the game none stop so if there some hidden diminishing return crap in the game im certainly hitting it…

I’ve been leveling a zealot and a psyker. Both are now level 8 and I have had two Emperor’s gift drops between them. On top of this, I have waited 2 hours on store refresh to get the new staff and flamer that unlock at level 8 and have not seen any in the store. This is super frustrating for a new player experience.

made a new character and can confirm there was a bug. none of the issues i mentioned with this guy.

so something happened i think. If not a bug its related to backgrounds, only difference was that. have not tested with the 2 character now, to see if gets gifts. but i havent deleted him so i can check later.

I’m almost certain they have put diminishing returns/ a daily cap on emperors gifts at this point… i decided to actually sleep since i couldnt progress all that much on my vet not getting gifts and low and behold first mission i did after waking from my sleep coma i get a gift >.> great job fat shark limit our gift acquisition…

remove the daily limit to gifts…

i doubt that is it.