What's your plan for exisiting weapons prior to itemization update?

Since it looks like melting down weapons for blessings is going to be gone, what’s everyone doing with their existing inventory of weapons and/or plasteel before the update drops?

Does it make sense to gamble roll to get any missing blessings? Or just melt down whatever is not “perfect” for any missing blessings and just wait and see?

Do we know (with any accuracy) what plasteel/diamantine will be used for and in what quantities after the update?



I’ll be:

• Celebrating the broken locks
• Grinding them out for any currently missing Blessings with the new “Mastery” system
• Upgrading their base stats as much as possible

I should be all good from there!


Since I got all “orginal” blessings and lots of resources,
it’s going to be just a simple “update” for all my best & favorites.

For the new ones:
I’ll just master the little rest of blessings still missing & then do the same.

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Stockpile everything I get so hopefully one of them will have good (potential) stat distributions. It might be a crummy 312 at the moment, but who knows what it’ll be after the update.


The correct answer is probably to try and get all the tier 1-4 blessings so the mastery grind is going to as fast as possible once the update drops, but personally i’m so fed up with the current system that i won’t be doing that.


I’ll just hold and not worry about it.


I can really recommend to “farm” blessing via Melk (Tier III & IV via weeklies)
and the regular gun shop (Tier I & II, Ingame money).

That should save you (Yes, you!) some “mastery” before the update hits.

Also earn a good amount of resources. But that one should be obvious…

DON’T(!) try to farm blessing via upgrading.
And DON’T sell good weapons anymore because of a bad roll.
You will be able so salvage them when the update hits.

If i think about all the good ones I sold, because of bad rolls… :expressionless:

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As mentioned above - I’ve started focusing on getting as many missing blessings adding to my library as I can. Knowing that the locks will be gone, there are a lot of tier 4 blessings I’ve been holding onto (not extracting) that as the time of the update draws closer I’ll be extracting to help with mastery.

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yea, i have a bunch of 360+ weapons (with better versions of these that I actually use) that have some random III and IVs that I haven’t unlocked yet for the wallet. I will probably melt those for the extraction of those blessings and then sit on the rest like others have mentioned here.

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I don’t even really care about that now tbh, I have sunk all my hype into the easing of weapon restrictions. I guess I’ll take some shotguns that had 80/80/80 where I wanted and convert them to man stoppers? Unless they get something more interesting than that.

I’ll trash anything that doesn’t have an optimal stat spread AND the blessings I want on it.

If my guns have particular blessings now and those blessings get stripped because I don’t have enough points to unlock them on launch day, I’m probably going to go play other things for a while because F that noise.

I don’t think that’s likely though, it seems like they’ll just leave all weapons as-is and not let you assign those locked blessings to other weapons until you’ve unlocked them.

I’m seriously not looking forward to new weapon family drops under this new system.

basically i’ll sell a ton of weapons, or extract blessings from them after the update, and keep only the few i really use, knowing i can build a new one at any time.

my inventory is far too bloated, i’ve ben camping the shop since the beta and kept everything top rated, but never engaged with crafting more than strictly necessary (except during the crafting refund bug 1 year ago)
i’ve never understood the fascination of some people with gambling in the slightest.
i would have quit playing darktide long ago for not getting what i want if i didn’t like the game enough to forgive the shortcomings of its “crafting”.

now i have an almost complete collection of t4 blessings. i have asked in the itemization thread if the lower tier blessings will have any use under the new system, but have not received an answer yet. perhaps the devs have not decided yet what the path for deterministic crafting will be.
i hope we will not need to own complete collections of t1, 2, 3 in order to fully access t4.
however, imo that’s the only way they can make lower tier blessings meaningful, because obviously, people would use only the highest tier.

i have bought a bunch of blue weapons now to rip the lower tier blessings off them for this purpose, just in case i mean, because what else to do with the dockets, i don’t earn anything past 25 million. the materials are kept for after the rework. i have weapons in the upper 1-2% range, and any attempt to improve this by gambling is futility.

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i just returned to try the new weapons and see a lot of changes plus a lot of changes announced and i’ll just play until things change and then look what to do with it.
i was already a bit lucky :smiley:

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Think I’m just going to carry on as normal. Collect good Brunt weapons in the mean time, and t4 blessings as they appear in Melk.

I wouldn’t sell or break down any weapons you might end up wanting. I don’t think FS have finalised how this is going to work, and I still have a feeling post-patch some weapons will get crap upper stat rolls so…

I’m waiting for more info.

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only thing i do now is keep bricked 375+ with fitting base stats so i can reassign the perks blessings come the revamp.

until then i´m pretty relaxed since i´m a one char / one loadout type of player and the only thing that´s missing is 5% maniac damage on a karsolas, the kickback is to my liking already.

curios are maxed in the important stats 21% health +5%health/toughness so maybe a tougness regen t4 instead of t3 but that are minor changes at best.

Tbh, here my situation:

  • considering how many weapons are underperforming by a lot
  • considering the few weapons that are totally OP but not fixed
  • considering that I have all T4 blessings for all major weapons I use

All this leads that I have returned to anterior situation… each time I try to take something different than what I am used to equip, then I end in the grey zone (scoreboard show your damage in grey when you are underperforming compoared to teammates).
I know that you need to master a weapon, but there are several weapons that are totally underperforming and so that cannot be chosen.
So, I don’t care of all this cause it has no sense. Maybe if the game had all weapons balanced it would make more sense, but actually, it doesn’t.

Only things that matters… find a good base weapon. So each time I see a weapon interesting, I buy it. What is sad is that the next update won’t touch the ONLY problem I have with crafting actually… find a good base weapon.

The scoreboard virus claims another victim… Also just because you’re not topscoring doesn’t mean you’re underperforming.

if the difference is negligible than that may be true.

but if the gap exceeds 25+% you´re loading additional burden on those that need to do the job for you.

you´re there to kill stuff before it kills us, less damage dealt equates to more enemies on screen and ammo spent less wisely as you waste ressources that could be put to better use in a different gun.


I’ll just keep doing what I’ve done for a while now. Keep anything above 370 and melt everything else for the blessings. Should prob do the 1 and 2 blessings too though, so far I’ve only done it for 3s and 4s.