thought this is a coop and not a competetive game?!?
So in theory as a team you dont compete among each other.
even a shorn lamb that need to get carried provides you the feeling of beeing a good pal a real hero and more.
nvm jk
If three players are able to play with one another, give support and help, then they are indeed playing a co-op game. Same cannot be said however about the fourth player who is lagging behind and is currently playing a survival horror game. It irks me that some thinks that the other three players are playing incorrect, but the fourth player is not.
There may be a way to surrender or dismantle your weapons in return for something useful even after the itemisation rework drops, so I would hold onto your inventories all the same for now.
My inventory is a mess due to number of items I own, but that is partially intentional as I kept leaving “bricked” weapons alone. I bet that Fatshark will finally break and address the itemisation casino.
On other hand I also have been recently collecting Tier 1-2 blessings by extracting them. I do not trust Sweden to make this incoming system transition without any issues and new gotchas. Sorry fellas, trust is earned.
I am currently blessingmaxxing(even T3s) with every melkbuck i make and upgrading some select weapons and reblessing them since perks are gonna be free
Unfortunately, i feel that it will be the contrary.
It seems that you will have a number of limited modifications. This means that, if I have understood the system, you will hunt for the perfect perfect weapon, the one that once crafted has good perks and what you wanted as blessings.
Just to keep more modification points.
If it is the system they propose, in fact it will bring more frustration than the current system… But yes, there won’t be locks…
Same. Everytime I see the mess of items I have acquired I know it is the result of the current itemization progression, find a good base item? save it for when you either want to try said weapon or if Fatshark changes it so you have 10+ weapons to roll in the hunt for a great weapon.
Hoping we’ll get more clarity in the next round of Q&A’s.
While not perfect its still an improvement because its just as possible right now for any perfectly stat rolled weapon to go sideways and you’re stuck with it. Like this 80 in everything but stability Kantrael shotgun Hadron just gave stamina, crit damage, terrifying barrage and fire frenzy to. Obviously in the current game it is now garbage, but in the coming system it could at least be saved.
Since I was part of a beta test from the beginning of a game and during 4 years, i have learnt to adapt to any system.
So no need to convince me that it will improve the situation… Cause I never feel that it was a real problem for me.
My only problem is to get a good base weapon, and this won’t change sadly.
However, if I have understood the system correctly (and the if is important), it will increase by a lot the difference between a perfect weapon and a really good weapon.
But with the new system, you will have 0 chance to get something perfect. As it would requires that you get the 2 blessings you want and the 2 perks you want…
But again… It is IF I understood correctly the new system