I wonder what metal is more powerfull… Gromril or Ithilmar?
Ithilmar is just a hard as steel but very light with some oddish magical abilities, no?
I go with Gromril.
Gromril is made by Dwarfs though, therefore inferior to anything elven-made.
Good sir, surely you are not suggesting a flimsy elven-made fork is superior to gromril?
reaches for the book
How dare you
I like the melee combat. Super satisfying.
The rest of the game has that close-but-not-quite-there-yet feeling. So much potential yet so limited.
Some books would suggest that Gromril is stronger but Ilithmar is lighter and better at taking enchantments. When you enchant Ilithmar for strength it should match runed Gromril armour but Elves do not wear it as thick. I hope that helps.
Sound design, character design and Ludo-narrative Harmony(on harder difficulties)
My favorite thing of V2…
The Skaven…UwU
For the longest time it was the challenging game-play and the setting that just kept me interested. Just learning to play the game in a way that allowed to go 1 vs the world was somehow addicting and still to this day i find my solo Fow on legend to be my high points.
Nowadays its still the setting and the lore that keeps me coming back and while the challenge is still there especially in the cata its not something that’s the drive anymore. Just smashing rats heads off is more than enough generally because when the game works the game-play is still absolutely fantastic.
How the heck did you manage that?
Cheese? Magic mushrooms? And which hero?
Developers finally releasing news updates at a more regular pace.
Otherwise Maps, Environments which will hopefully lead to a Map Editor.
my favourite thing is Saltzpyre.
my least favourite thing is the elf hag.
Pre wom shade with sword/dag, Longbow.(Only career it was possible really) Also had the bardin bot as ranger to spawn some extra potions for the tougher spots but after that just lots of trial and error
Ahh yeah I suspected Shade or Handmaiden maybe. But can’t really realisticly see any other role… Slayer does have mobility and maybe with Throwing Axes could take safe care of Specials and Disablers as well. It’s still easy to get overwhelmed with the number of Elites and monsters…
Of course the nut job chocoB might have a shot with different carreers.
Had a few attempts at FoW until I got bored… Now cata suffices!
Honestly the only reason i even bothered was because i saw someone on reddit doing it on video and even then it was highly abusing the shoot from stealth talent to reduce stuff like stormvermin numbers in certain waves or dealing with the extensive amounts of disablers.
It can probably still be done but i’d say its probably lot more difficulty with the current talent setup.
Guess i could try cataclysym for lolz when i’m bored tough i think that’s nearing the impossibility.
But anyways its getting offtopic.
Voice acting. Hands down. And mind me, I’ve like 1kh in game because of the melee combat and the general capacity for skill play in VT2, but still I’m compelled to name voice acting as The One Thing.
Exempli gratia I absolutely hate playing with a mage in my team because of all the flaming effects that cannot be reasonably turned down in video settings and that combined with HDR and bloom give me a cataract and just prevent me from seeing what is going on. My own mage is level 1 I believe.
However! I absolutely cannot help but rejoice when a mage joins because I’m in awe of how Dixon Bate perfectly amalgamates the ferocity of the fire mage aspect with the natural homeliness of Sienna and lets us explore the actual kindness of heart underneath all that callousness and bitterness of that undoubtedly complex character. Brilliant.
Verm is the only game I’m actually decent at.
I like there’s room for everyone; people with good aim, people who can’t aim, people who like ranged, people who like melee…
I started for the character interactions, stayed for the people I met. It’s my most-played game ever, so that’s saying quite a bit.
Bardin, everything about him is great. I just love that guy.
From gameplay to careers to gear to banter to lore and everything. Give me more of Bardin!
EDITED: I used to be a Kruber main but now I’m back to the dawi. Had a Warhammer miniature Dwarf army back in the days when I was young as well.
My favorite thing of V2 is
“The possibility of getting another hero…”
Combat system
Map design
Warhammer world/factions
The Athanor crafting system