What's up with the servers?

Soooooo I’ve dropped a good review recently just because I really want this game to succeed and I felt like people are really much shitting on it (with very good reasons but come on, this is already the best modern 40K shooter).

As soon as this was done I’ve been disconnected again and again from the game and when I’m not it’s laggy to an unplayable extent.

I mean come on, there’s 9K people playing right now and the servers can’t even handle this load proper ? You guys released a very good beta game, now it would be nice to at least being able to play it until the full release actually comes out !

I’ll just go play something else but I really kinda wanted to finish my weeklies for this useless special money Melk gives out…

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restart Steam maybe?
i had this also, but restart steam helped me.
I btw also give a positiv review today for same reason

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Daaaaamn man it works ! Thank you, I would have loved knowing this during the official beta xD

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Why lie in your review? You know it’s not recommendable atm, yet you want to rope in unsuspecting players? Not to mention that to send a clear message to the devs, especially Fatshark , our only tool is reviews.

Don’t be a corporate simp and help a consumer out.


I didn’t lie in my review and i dont agree it’s not recommendable.
First of all i also dislike the heavy RNG and overall bad to at best medicore weapon distribution at both shops and emperors gifts.
Crafting beeing feature incomplete is also a valid criticism i mentioned in my review.
But i overall rate the game foremost regarding the core gameplay what is playing missions and not gear progression!
I weigh both aspects like 75% for core gameplay and gear progression only 25% and as secondary mechanics that i for myself wouldn’t need at all.
I would be happy if there would be zero item progression and only some achievements like we have with penances and even this i can do without.
I just have fun playing missions aka purging heretics and immerse into the WH40k universe.

I agree with a lot of criticism, but as i said i weigh things different than most others seem to do and while construcitve criticism is good, derrogative terms within the community, torwards other players with different opinions the Developers, the CM’s or FS in general including their managment is uneducated and weepy.


Hey sure I get you and we all know the state of the game right now. It’s just that after 335 hours of playtime on a 40 euros game it was a little bit difficult for me to post a bad review.
So I don’t think I’ve been dishonnest nor corporate simpy.
Especially with the (deeply detailed and complete) text I’ve put in said review:

“That’s a good game. It only launched a couple of months too early.”


Fair enough, but you also said

This, to me, sounds like someone who made his review with an ulterior motive.


Yep :slight_smile: Supporting a game that I’ve waited for years and that I very much enjoy now.

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I know that you’re trolling.

“Hi guys, I recommended the game but I’m also making a thread because the game is unplayable”

Either your an Olympic level mental gymnast or you’re a troll


It’s honestly ironic that those who defend the game and accuse others of disingenuous reviewing, are those most prone to doing it themselves. How daft, to openly admit your positive review was not due to the merits of the game, but your own desire for it to be good and to “balance out” the review score.


Whole game runs like crap. Its poorly optimised and laggy has been since forever and its one of the things they have to fix :man_shrugging:

Apparently all fat shark’s games are the same.

Have seen people saying in five months time it should work properly lol

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game unplayable error 9999
Get erratic moves, flying enemies, disconnections etc.

And great… The resources I collect are not counted when I end the mission… (3 times since yesterday, maybe a save at the final window that display the results could be the solution?)

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Look at you getting all worked up and unpolite over one good review and a question about the state of the servers <3

I already told that after more than 330 hours of playtime I consider the 40 euros that the game cost as a good investment, dunno what’s daft or trollish about it


Then you are most certainly one of the few people who think “time played” somehow equates in any way to “recommend to my friends”.


Tbh you have to be a masochist to not recommend a game because of its poor state, and in the same time, spend hundreds of hours playing it ^^

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You dont have to net dislike something to be able to advise passing on it.

Ignore the haters. Dollar per hour of entertainment is an extremely valid metric to take into account for most normal people, especially for when it is hundreds of hours of play time because that means Darktide’s game loop is genuinely entertaining enough to keep playing.

If the game loop was not entertaining then a person simply would not have hundreds of hours actively playing the game. Nobody forces them to play, they sit down and choose to keep doing that same very repetitive game loop knowing exactly what they will get every single time.

People saying otherwise are in denial.


You can like one thing about something while disliking something else.

today errors 2001… lost the script I was carrying and two times I have lost 80% of my life due to lag

Ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy?

My brother in the Emperor, you started a thread to complain about the servers and tout your “positive” review. If you’re perfectly satisfied with this game… why did you start a complaint thread?

Recommend the game all you want, democracy has done its job. The game’s recent reviews sit at mostly negative. Do I believe the game is a 3.5/10? Not really. Do I believe that FatShark deserve this current vitriol? abso-freaking-lutely