What is the *real terror* in the dark?

What’s scarier to encounter in the dark?

  • Rinda Karnak
  • Daemonhost
  • Crusher overhead
0 voters

You left out barrels next to ledges…


If they had the dog horde with lights out, I would be terrified!


Lol I almost included that one


atraxa grand unifier is quite powerful i heard

Rejects: “Noooooo, you can’t just one-shot down us! It’s not fair!”
Crusher: “Haha, hammer on Tiny Gits go vrooom”


Puppies have really glowing eyes and trails, so I think ironically they’d be more visible in Lights Out.


The real terror in the dark was the friends (future heretics) we met along the way.


Me, dodging the crusher that downed the shoutvet a moment ago i just tagged: “it is too late, I already know every move you plan to do”

The second crusher, in the corner behind me: “crusha use overhead, overhead always work”


Poxburster jumpscare
Spooky <:0

a missed opportunity to introduce a genestealer cult

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Another crafting update delay


*silent crusher… Would get my vote.

The scariest thing to happen across in the game is probably the Beast of Nurgle because it just gobble you if you get too close and it moves pretty damn fast for it’s bulk. And it’s gross.

I’d love for them to have introduced a new monstrosity in this event. The monstrosities feel very stale now. That flamer plague ogryn would have been pretty scary to bump into in the dark!

sigh indeed.

That would have been :ok_hand:

Imagine a f*cking genestealer as a new monstrosity, bursting out the wall! That would have been actually scary.

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ye multiple of them

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A swarm of head crabs.

Wait… wrong game. Damn. But it would be good, no?

:joy: Perfect thread.

What type of Crusher overhead tho?

  1. Ninja Crusher, soundlessly from behind you?
  2. Phase shifting Crusher, hiding in plain sight behind other biggies & killing you through them?
  3. Lucky Crusher, when things were perfectly under control but suddenly your dodge just didn’t work - stairs, some horde that didn’t exist, or a 2cm high pebble got in the way?
  4. Tricky Crusher, ignoring your dodges and killing you anyway, when at the moment of your death you realized it was never aiming for you but a teammate behind you, but you were so synced you couldn’t have known?
  5. Teamwork Crusher, when just as you were about to dodge, something else staggered you instead? Perhaps it was a doggo, just existing somewhere near you. Or perhaps just some random trash or ranged.

But truthfully the scariest thing in the dark, light or anywhere else for me are the soundless trappers. I like to imagine the AI, dressed in beautiful expensive regalia, leaning back in some hand carved antique luxury chair, sipping expensive tea with a big huge red “I win” button blinking nearby and going “I rather think I should like to win now. Would you press the button my dear Alfred?” “Very good, madam.” And so it ends.


What is the real terror in the dark?



Actually I forgot about a silent trapper net… Easily the scaryest thing to come flying at you whether in dark or not, usually directly through about 15 tonnes of solid meat and with zero warning :grimacing:

beware yon barrel