What difficulty does fatshark balance around?

Is it heresy? Is it damnation? Maybe it’s malice? Does anyone know? Because I’m honestly curious after every balance change they make that is intended to apparently only impact the top % of the playerbase. And I’m not saying that’s bad, but like, what is the bottom line here?

Because me personally, I always check weapons on damnation - after a certain point anything else just gets too easy because you have good rolls on your weapons. So if I check on damnation, i can immediately tell which weapons (ex. bolt pistol) are underperforming. But maybe the bolt pistol is just where it’s intended to be, since it’s supposed to be balanced around heresy? idk

Malice, most likely.


Since malice is the standard selection in the psykanium I guess it’s the baseline.

Which is also smart as malice has the shortest queuing times it’s probably the most played difficulty.

On malice most weapons have decent breakpoints and feel like working as intended.

That’s why I hate enemy HP as a balancing method.


1000% agree.

Enemy hp should be the same on all difficulties but each difficulty level then gets increased enemy volume and newer tougher enemies added each level.

It’s so obvious it hurts. It would make balancing so much easier to digest for player and devs alike.

Ho hum.


While all this makes sense, they have been learning from Vermintide, where most people were playing 4th difficulty and there was no reward for playing higher difficulties.
In Darktide at least you get more resources for taking on a bigger challenge.

Breakpoints on Damnation being far and between is annoying, for sure.

Yes and again, the absolutely sadistically meagre materials rewards are to blame for a lot of issues imo.

If we didn’t have to fight for materials, which difficulties would be most chosen by players? I’ve no idea but I am sure it would be different to what it is now.

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They should take a page from payday3’s book and maintain the same TTK on all enemies across dificulty but add more specials, elites and denser hordes.

However, this would screw with the shity treadmill weapon grind that you have to go through at lower levels because your modifiers dont start getting decent until around lvl 20 ish.
The only game that didnt have this problem in the tide series was V1, and only because there was no artifical power treadmill - a grey sword was as good on cataclysm as it was on easy because it dealt the same damage.

Both funny and sad, this problem can be traced back to the crafting systems (again) forcing a stupid grind so people play more.


I have no idea why they even balance materials gain around difficulty - the game would be in a much healthier spot if all difficulties gave the same amount of materials as there would be no push to venture into difficulties you have no business being in.

What happened to difficulty levels being just that? I mean, exp and dockets are fine I suppouse but plasteel is the most important resource in the process of obtaining weapons so naturally players feel pressured to run the most optimal difficulty for material grind even if they cant handle it. This problem didn’t exist in vermintide 2 as no matter what power the items was, scrapping it always gave you materials based on its rarity so you essentialy always had access to easy crafting and upgrades.


Honestly I didn’t bother going above malice until I reached 30. I just wanted to know I was at full capacity before going above. I don’t think weapons are effecting the difficulty as much as player level when leveling up at earlier stage. Just my op oc.


Couldn’t agree more.

They could x10 all plasteel rewards with a single line of code I’m sure, but they don’t. Likely they have some candycrush advisor telling them how to treat us like basic junkies for retention.

Little do they realise we’ve played hundreds of hours because the gameplay is actually fun and we just want more maps and no locks. Heh.

Like you say, if materials were same for all difficulties then it would really boost the lower level difficulties which would be great for new players too and ease pressure on people attempting to punch above their weight in order to get a tiny scrap of plasteel to waste on 2 dice rolls.

This would most likely result in high level players speedrunning low difficulty maps to quickly get plasteel to build a new weapon. Doubt that would make new/casual players feel great.

They’d still have to loot the crates to collect the materials.

Arguably less annoying than all the speed running to the end of maps to clear penances that happens anyway.


And this is somehow worse than low level players dragging the team down in damnation+ because they want plasteel?

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I never said that.
Imo a VT2 style solution would be best, cata did not give more rewards than legendary. So legendary became the optimal farming difficulty.

People would be rushing low diff to farm.

It is better to have a few noobs on higher difficulties, than to have lots of advanced players at the bottom difficulties, ruining the game for all new players.

There are many reasons for having better rewards at higher difficulties.
This is one of them.

It tracks for me logically that higher difficulties have more loot because you’re also risking mission completion and won’t have as easy a time finding it.

However the space aliens who play this game purely to farm don’t have the same priorities as your average player. If they want to flood an optimum farming difficulty I say let ‘em, there are enough player archetypes to moan about what’s one more?

Anyways I don’t think mission loot is broken, the shops are. Fix that and loot goblins are a non-issue.


I think the major issue ruining the low difficulties is that they’re too easy, boring and forced upon everyone because why wouldn’t we have a tedious treadmill.

My money is on Malice or Heresy.

Which sucks.

They should stop relying on enemy health scaling, it makes things an absolute pain to balance.


I don’t think so. I think T5 is supposed to be like that. The thing is people just want to dive in and be done with it. They don’t think much, don’t reposition, don’t kite, they just want to blast through. From my experience playing only T5 Mael, I only see one or two players a month who actually plan ahead, constantly check behind to make sure the team doesn’t get boxed in, and always ensure there’s space to pull back if needed. The rest just charge forward like Rambo, hoping they’re stronger than the enemies. :face_holding_back_tears:

Might be of course - on what do you base your assumption?