Weapon Swap Bugged and Enemies Lag ONLY on Zealot

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I leveled up my Zealot to lvl 30 recently and everything was completely smooth. In the meantime, I was also playing a Veteran (up to lvl 18) and also experienced zero issues with the game in 43+ hours. When I wanted to try my first Maelstrom for the Havoc, I received an error code (can’t remember which one exactly) that temporarily sent me back to Choose Operative screen. Ever since then, I began experiencing this major bug that seems like everything is lagging a whole lot, weapons can’t swap consistently, and I am forced to essentially predict where the enemies should be and simply flail around. I deleted my lvl 30 char thinking it was a character issue because I later made a Psyker, and knock on wood, ZERO issues up to lvl 15 now. Made a new Zealot, and the same bug that I had before was back. I already tried verifying in-game files, deleting, and re-installing the game, and I tried using a variety of combinations of weapons/cosmetics to ensure something like that wasn’t causing the issue. Again, all other characters seem to work perfectly fine. I never had a crash and hadn’t a single error code since the first one, so I can’t exactly provide much evidence outside of the description. I’m somewhat aware that this is probably not a new bug, but I asked around and browsed the Technical Support pages and didn’t have much help resolving the issue.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

This is an odd one! I wonder if there’s some sort of AppData corruption at play. Please try:

Step 1: Disable Steam Cloud Saving

If Steam Cloud saving is enabled for Darktide, this may automatically restore the AppData and consequently cause the issue to resurface.

  1. Navigate to your Steam library
  2. Right-click Darktide
  3. Select ‘Properties’
  4. On the ‘General’ tab, scroll down to ‘Steam Cloud’
  5. Disable ‘Keep game saves in the Steam Cloud for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide’

Step 2: Delete AppData

NOTE: By deleting your AppData, custom keybindings will be reset. You may wish to make a back-up of the directory in the event deleting your AppData does not work to resolve the issue.

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to: AppData\Roaming\Fatshark
  4. Delete the entire ‘Darktide’ directory

Step 3: Verify Integrity of Game Files

You will then need to use the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option, which is accessible via the Steam client and will ensure the installation is complete.

  1. Right-click Darktide in your Steam library sidebar
  2. Select ‘Properties’
  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ button
  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam