Weapon charge handles and other QOL

Playing this more and more I see some things I think should be changed, every time you pull out your gun you pull back the charge handle every time, why? You went full on with more realistic reloading, if you get interrupted you continue the animation where you left off etc if the magazine was already in the gun, so what reason is there for needing to repull the handle every time you bring it out? You didnt have to replace the bolt in a crossbow in vermintide, it doesn’t make any sense even from a gameplay perspective really.

This is something games would do 20 years ago and it just makes the game so clunky and slow. I don’t know how many times I’ve lost massive amounts of health because a sniper or shotgunner are aiming at me and i pull my gun out, and then i slowly hunk it out to then fumble about with the handle and before I can even shoot it I’ve lost all my toughness and then poxwalkers are destroying my health and I have to switch back to melee to deal with them because they’re in my face.
Just have the animation of pulling the gun out and that’s it.

Something that kinda goes in with that is that amount of stagger you get from certain enemies. I had a mutant run past me and stagger me, which made me redo this same pull gun out pull back handle animation, it then smashed down a few metres behind me which staggered me and made me redo that animation, and then it charged past me again and I had to repeat that, I couldn’t even shoot it because I was being staggered so much and the animation takes so long. That was also during a horde where he had a bunch of other specials and I’m basically just standing there not able to do anything about any of them. This is not fun at all and I think would be mostly solved by just making the pull out gun animations make sense.

Something that is beginning to frustrate me is how I can’t just get the weapon I want. I have been waiting and waiting to just get an eviscerator that is better than my current one, from yesterday to today I have seen one in that store and it was significantly worse. I get crafting would probably solve this issue but for some reason the crafting system hasn’t been finished for launch. You need to give us some option to just get whatever weapon we want, like even paying say 2-5k credits to get a selection of a specific weapon and then buying one, just something because right now it’s pretty bad.