PREFACE: The chat wouldn’t let me use the word for the animation of pulling back the slidey thingy on the gun after putting the clip in. xD So I called it ‘pulling back the slide’. Sorry in advance to any gun enthusiasts who feel offended by my lack of knowing another phrase to use. ^^;
I get that you need to reload a weapon. I get ammo has weight, and time needs to be taken to put the clip in properly. But the speed at which you reload in this game is ridiculous. And yes… I’m talking about all weapons.
I cannot imagine that weapons designed for use in these tense, high speed situations wouldn’t be also designed to just slam in a clip or cartridge and keep shooting. I also can’t really imagine that, over time, the warriors using these weapons wouldn’t gain some skill at reloading faster in order to not get whacked upside the head so often.
Right now, not only is reloading extremely slow in most cases, but enemies can disrupt you from doing it by hitting you. Considering the fact that they can spawn, from nowhere, behind you, at any time makes trying to reload a huge hassle and even a risk if you get unlucky. Let me repeat that. ‘Get unlucky’. There’s RNG in whether or not you can reload safely in a cleared area. Why?
There’s also the ‘pulling back the slide’ animation. In one case, I was forced to switch to my melee weapon to fight off some enemies while using the Bolter in order to defend myself. I then drew the gun… and for some reason pulled back the slide on it, before reloading it and doing it a second time. Again, WHY?! I feel like all that time spent doing that (which might not even be needed all the time, I’m not a gun expert, but I don’t think you need to do that with a gun every time you go to shoot it).
So here is my suggestion.
**Reduce ALL reload times by a bit. They’re just too long and often get anyone trying to use a gun injured needlessly.
Get rid of or reduce the time taken on all the ‘pulling the slide on the gun’ animations, or at least do some research and figure out if that is an actual requirement for firing a gun of that type. Also trim the fat on all those animations that don’t make sense, like doing it every time you draw the gun, loaded or not. Again, not really sure, but I feel like I’ve seen a lot of people saying that sort of thing isn’t even a required aspect of loading a gun.
Insert a feature in the game you can call ‘gun mastery’. This could be applied to weapons with triggering requirements as well. The more a player uses a weapon, the more Familiarity they gain with it. As they gain ranks in Familiarity, they can then handle said weapon better… and this would include swapping to and from it, reloading it, and maybe other aspects like accuracy and even damage, though right now I’m just talking about general handling.**
The way I see it, maybe as you start out, you’re being careful loading the gun so you don’t set off a round or something, or don’t want to drop the clip in the heat of the moment, but as you use it more and more, it becomes familiar. The Veteran should start with at least a few levels of this, as shooting is basically their entire background.
As it is, just trying to reload some weapons is such a tedious aspect of the game it makes some of the heavier weapons feel like they’re worthless unless you have a really good team to cover you, and perhaps you think people are playing like that, but sadly, they are not nearly as often as it should be happening.