We won't shut up

@Fatshark regarding the MTX-shop

with the big uproar about the shop, i want to advise you that the dumbest thing you could do is to try to weasel around the problem and reintroducing any of unmoral practices.
your community did call you out for it and it doesn’t matter if you did it consciously or not or even if you’re in the right or not.

you know how good of a memory we can have and we will call you out again and again on any bs.

  • if it was a choice with “consumer incentive” in mind you should shelf that idea and accept that it failed.
  • if it was a genuine hiccup without any bad faith in the back of your minds, you should ALSO shelf it and accept that it hurt your reputation and you can’t change that now.

however any action even in the mildes form will look like you did it with all the greed in the world and we will be watching closely, and condemn these actions as loud as humanly possible.


imagine buying a game for 40 euros and being treated by the developers as a second-rate free to play player. all because we consider that at 40 bucks we have the right to have a decent appearance and full access to the cosmetic content of the game!

If the game was a masterpiece in all other aspects i could understand there is a cosmetic premium shop but in his current state it’s just a shame !


My line of thought is somewhat different.

Why is everyone focused on the shop?

Why the hell would anyone want to pay more on the broken game it is right now?

Would it not make more sense to prioritise and focus on fixing respectively EVERY other parts of the game before even thinking buying them any cosmetic?

Thinking otherwise is something I cannot fathom.


I’m going to mention Deep Rock Galactic again.

That’s it. That’s all I have to say.

Rock and stone.


Rock and Stone!
Better game than Darktide by leaps and bounds.

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Like I’ve always said, and it’s something that DRG excells at: the key to success is making your consumers WANT to give you money, not in trying to squeeze it out of them at every turn.
DRG players literally beg the devs to release new cosmetic packs so they have a reason to give them more money and keep supporting them, THAT is a sign of a damn good game.
If fatshark remodeled the in game store to be like it was in vermintide - unobtrusive, easy to navigate, fair prices, chance to earn certain things with game-time - and fleshed out the rest of the game so that it is CONTENT wise (sorry, the atmosphere, looks, and music of the game are seriously master-class, no doubt, and I know it costs a lot of money and development time, but that simply does not count as “content”) worth the 40€ that I paid full price on launch… Then I would be looking for ways to give the devs more cash and keep supporting them as well.
As it stands, sadly, I’m not, I feel I did not get my money’s worth as of now and the rhetoric coming from the developers is worrying. I feel the game might be heading in a direction that will only succeed in driving people away even more than the first impression already has.
That being said, I knew what the state of the project was when I bought it, the money is spent, and I’m here for the long haul, I hope the future is bright.


The mind of a whale isn’t something we can really understand as humans. I already see people talking about the new cosmetics and they just released. The excuse of “oh, they probably bought imperial edition and are just using their aquilas from that” is what people seem to be using right now, but that won’t last forever.

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waframe is a good example of smartly thought-out monetization to make you want to slap money into it without giving the impression of having to pay anything to be on the level of others.

If we start to calculate the total price of microtransactions there, I am sure that the figure is abusive. But since by playing and grinding one can obtain premium currency via the market managed by players and authorized by D.E. to compensate for enough investment in time (which is rather reasonable) one can quite have the mixed appearance that a whale without paying a euro.

The best part is that the price of entry into the game is zero euros for content that all GAAS don’t even have by making you pay to play it…

Of course the game is not free from flaws in its content except that the simple fact of being able to spend 500 hours in it without ever being blocked as long as we know how to farm should make it at least a quality standard for games paid a high price with euro…


Because when they exist, guess where the focus goes? On producing more things for the shop.


I have almost 2000 hours in Warframe since it came out almost 10 years ago, it’s a game that continues to expand and brings me back over and over, and it didn’t cost me a dime to get into.
(And it even has a scoreboard at the end of every mission, with highlights as to who did what the best, even if it was only gathering loot!)

For a 40€ entry fee I honestly expect more…


I just can’t get on board with DRG. I come back to it from time to time to play a map or two and stop again. Just not my game.

Same here. I know I’m in the minority with this opinion, but DRG is just boring.

I’ve had the game since it first came out, played probably 40 hours with friends and just got bored of how repetitive everything was. Granted they improved a lot since then, but I still have zero urge to play it, but to each their own.

What annoys me though is all the people who say rock and stone in other forums or game chats where it’s completely irrelevant lol.

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But the Chinese Ominous Party said it will be all right?