I don’t have problems against some events on X or Y months following an update or not, I have nothing against some Ordo Dockets, Plasteels and Diamantines as rewards to help people who don’t play that much to have a stock especially when the Itemization rework is coming soon but let’s be frank these events are not very attractive because of one thing : there is no real reward !
Most of the people have a good amount of ressources ahead of an update just by simply playing some Maelstroms and Aurics, why people will waste their time to fullfil some conditions for something we can collect by playing the game ?
Apparently Fatshark cannot change the reward when they add an event on the list, is it true or not i don’t know but in the future they need to have a better carrot on the fishing rod toward the final reward.
For example for the current event “Test your metal” it would have be nice to have skins toward the new weapons as an end goal, nothing crazy just a recolor just like the lazy work we see in the premium shop … And then some weeks later you put in exchange of Ordo inside the Commissary, … That traitorous servitor will be put to use for once !
Fatshark need to give us a little something extra if people want to work seriously on their events : portraits, medals, skins, even Aquilas if they fill generous (which i doubt on that part !) if they want to make more events in the future with that new system.
It works on Vermintide 2, why not on Darktide ?