More community involvement

Darktide has come a long way since it’s first rough initial release a year go, and the Devs are continually worked to bring this game forward to where it should be. And now, they are working one of the most fundamentally game changing updates with the new skill tree system in the works. But curbing our impatience has always been an issue for gamers, so I think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if there were some sort of community event to tide us over while we wait for Fatshark to roll out it’s next update. There two ways this could work that I know of: 1) host another in-game community event like the one that gave us the “Ascension Riser 31” mission as a reward, or 2) host an community art contest to generate more ideas for new content. Personally, I prefer the community art contest idea, since there a large number of very talented artists that already submit there work on the Darktide discord Fan-art channel, and would love to see some new designs for maps, weapons, classes, etc. As for what the prize of such an event would be, I think that it is best to leava that up to Fatshark, but an extra large bounty of in-game currency Aquilas would be a good start.

I think the other option is better, since an art contest only caters to a small fraction of the community and does not involve actually playing the game.

Art contests are something that can be done, when the majority of the playerbase is taken care of.

This has been a complaint of the community since VT2. FS community engagement has always been notably poor. I think we’d all love to see DT development working closer with the community, but FS has actively done the opposite. We can hope they turn a new leaf, but given their history don’t get you’re hopes too high.

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