Mastery and Shrine of the Omnissiah features are now fully available. Armoury Exchange and Melk’s Requisitorium are now open again.
We wanted to release early to get through these road bumps that were inevitable when migrating everyone over to the new system, so it could run smoother for everyone on official launch day tomorrow.
Unexpected and pleasant, though not without its problems. Thank you for a good day at the end of my vacation. And a special thanks to the Straw Hat for the feedback, and to the whole Shark team in general!
I still have weapons that are on level 13 of mastery…
What’s weirder Plasma gun had only 17 blessings total - I’ve had them all and it’s still not mastered yet:
… the Boltgun?
Weapon I’ve dedicated over 1300 hours.
I was with it at it’s best and at it’s worst.
My Pride,
My Joy,
My life,
The Holy Wrath of The Emperor…
Look at it!
My first fully consecrated Boltgun… I was keeping it just to see its full potential one day.
I’ve had it since December 2022 was keeping it just for this patch…
Mobility will not go above 55%:
It’s really wholesome and caring of you to have released the day before to ensure a smooth operation on the day of the planned release. I don’t know how much of it was planned in advance vs a realisation that you were a tad further ahead than you thought you would be. But I suggest that the positive PR impact of doing that is worthwhile to pursue in all your future releases: announce day X and deploy on day X-1 …!
Flash missions was the term that was bounced around when FS was thinking of developing new mission modes. They ended up releasing maelstroms. Was that a new name for the same thing or were they a completely different idea? It didn’t really matter until these penances surfaced yesterday.
Hey all, I couldn’t reply sooner because of the time difference.
I just wanted to say I’ve seen this thread and the other threads. Thank you for taking the time to share everything. I’ve taken down all your points here, and all the other comments I’ve seen, and I’m bringing them to the team now.
“My liege, 40% of our resources have been diverted to-”
“I see. No matter. These heretics shall not defy the Will of the Emperor in any case.”
Yeah, it’s not exactly what they intimated before where 100% old blessings would mean 100% new mastery but, if you think about it, they credited us for the ones that we had and not for the new ones they just introduced which is all perfectly fair, I guess. If they were to introduce new blessings under the old system it would work very similarly.
And this way it actually gives me something to do rather than just start me off maxed-out which would kind of be a bummer.
I didn’t total everything up but most weapons seem to span from 13-20 with one down at 11.