Waves of Mutants

Can we make the Waves of mutants a regular thing? I mean not just the Maelstrom, it will be cool to have it in standart games aswell. It’s much funnier than the dogs and snipers. Thank you.


i don’t play much auric, but i can tell you it’s very much a thing to suddenly have a pack of mutants show up. i’ve gotten REAL good at oneshotting mutants with my melees after bating the grab.

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there’s a difference between a bunch of muties and the 17 or so in actual mutie waves. they also are tiny and have glowy eyes and 50% HP effectively.

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Agreed, VERY big difference. regular damnation missions that aren’t maelstroms aren’t very interesting anymore.
I honestly find the buster waves fun aswell since most of the time I get to watch people go flying to the corner of the map from 7 poxbursters or straight up blow up 2 of my teammates that don’t know how to push.

I wouldn’t be averse to this if the mutants weren’t so damn LOUD.

The last patch improved on the mutant sfx considerably. Now you mostly just hear their feets.

I would also love to see this in regular Auric.

Sure, as soon as Fatshark figures out how to play sound from multiple sources at once.

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