Vraks Mk III Headhunter Autogun, hitmarker bug

Issue Description:

  • Vraks Mk III Headhunter Autogun => hitmarker not aligned with the ironsights when aiming down sight AND firing AND hitting an enemy AND moving.

  • There might also be a problem with the recoil of the guns unless this is all intended.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Equip Vraks Mk III Headhunter Autogun (on veteran, with or without talents)
  2. Aim down sight
  3. Fire + move at same time + hit enemy to show hitmarker


Player ID:
A Solid Snack

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Might have been caused by patch 14, from what I can remember the gun used to be fine before this patch. The gun just feels off when ADS’ing and moving at same time, compared to other guns and also compared to non moving ADS of this gun or even crouched ADS.

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Supporting Evidence:
Recording, click below

1 Like

I experience the same as you, except on Zealot the recoil its so bad. Makes the tip of the gun go upwards after each shot while ADS and moving.
I hope to god this was not intended, yesterday the gameplay with the vraks mk III was so unbearable. I had to use (god-emperor forgive me) a shotgun! :cry:

Yea I was using this gun before patch, and something felt off after it. I analysed and it seems this was the problem. I think the recoil is a nice thing to master, but the hitmarker not aligning makes it hard to see where I’m shooting.

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