Problem with Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun

しかし、実際にミッションでこの武器をテストするとヘッドショットが出来た音はするのですが敵が倒せない事が時々あります。(難易度 : Damnation)

----Automatic, machine-translated text----

This weapon can be used to kill a gunner with a single headshot at the training ground.
However, when I test this weapon in a real mission, I hear that I can make a headshot, but sometimes the enemy cannot be killed.( Difficulty : Damnation)

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Good ol’ hit register problem, most precision guns suffer from this unless it have big hit box like Plasma gun or Zarona revolver.


might be this issue


Thank you all!

Another person had already reported this problem.
I am sorry I am not good at English.
I am waiting for a fix for this problem!

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