Headhunter Autogun burst-cancel

Issue Description:

It is possible to cancel a “Headhunter” Autogun’s burst, at least with the “Vraks MkIII” variant of the weapon family, and at the very least as Veteran Sharpshooter. I have not tested if the bug applies to other variants or classes.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play Meat Grinder, using the “Vraks MkIII Headhunter Autogun” as Veteran Sharpshooter (Bug may or may not apply to all classes capable of using the weapon and/or its other variants)
  2. Hip-fire the weapon, then quickly press secondary action (Aim down sights) before the burst has finished
  3. The remaining rounds in the burst fail to fire, as aiming down sights seems to take precedence.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Any (Meat Grinder used for my testing)


Player ID:
[jake0819/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050878310/

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[12/25/2022, 19:00PM] [GMT+2]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-12-25-12.59.49-0b767f3b-48d8-44ed-87ef-6a0c5b04c4e3.log (1.2 MB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (605.0 KB)