If on Legend you can just body-shot Storm Vermines with it without scoring headshot it’s imo too strong weapon. With LongBow you at least have to score a headshot to kill specials (apart from assassin), with VC it’s just al fire- gg. Bolt Staff need charge and aiming, handgun needs time to aim (even if it kill with body-shot you still need to wait for crosshair accuracy) and have only 1 ammo. VC players (99% BH) just run and gun down everything… What’s the point of playing if all you do is run behind a guy who kill everything before you have chance to do anything?
Plus it melts bosses, plus it melts hordes.
It’s waay too accurate at mid range and waay to strong vs specials. It should be like in V1- anti boss weapon, not anti-everything.
In V1 you got balance right for WH. You had Brace of Pistols (though niche but still) great vs horde, Crossbow to kill SVs and specials (Headshot required mind you!) and volley crossbow for anti-Boss duty and sometimes anti SV (didn’t kill them in one volley mind you).
Right now VR is just best at everything. Add to that weapon swap exploit on BH to get ammo back as melee attack (which you still DID NOT FIX SINCE BETA) and you have BH running in front of you, killing all SVs and specials before you can do anything with unlimited ammo.
If you are Kruber with Handgun, Kerri with LongBow, bah! even Sienna with Bolt/Beam you need to aim (Handgun crosshair adjustment, LongBow Draw + Headshot, Beam innitial burn, Bolt charging) before you can score a kill. BH runs with VC just jumping, body shotting everything.
It’s not balanced and it’s also not fun to play like that (as team mate).
This game really sometimes feels more like shooter than melee-oriented game.
some other posts saying that it’s not fun to play when sienna’s on the team.
some other posts saying that it’s not fun to play when bardin ironbreaker is on the team.
some other posts saying that kerrilian’s swiftbow makes the game unfun for players.
point is, people don’t seem happy if someone else is doing all the killing. they want a piece of the pie. they want the damage numbers at the end of the game to be all equal. that’s not how vermintide is designed though.
btw, it’s the volley crossbow for BH, not the repeater crossbow, which is for the shade.
True, thanks for correction! I often get them wrong.
The point is there are just some careers that kill everything before you can even get there. BH and Sienna are worst because they require the least aiming/managing etc. Ironbreaker really can only shine vs horde and Kerrilian at least have to slow down and aim with that longbow to kill something with headshot, making her not that “rush in front, kill everything” liek BH with Volley or Sienna with beam. Even her swift bow needs multiple shots to kill Mauler or SV vs one click from BH.
It’s just not fun to run behind someone till Patrol/boss/Horde and just wish you can hit something.
And if you have both BH with volley and Sienna with Beam in fron it’s the most boring games in V2.
my favourite char is kerrilian and i’m the one clearing out entire hordes / SV patrols / smashing chaos warriors and stormvermins in my groups. i can compete with bounty hunters fine. they have to pause and reload every now and then, and can’t handle some scenarios efficiently (basically any fight that’s scattered or has shield units)
but that’s the thing, you’re letting them run in front. if i wanted to hog the kills i can easily position myself in front of them so they can’t shoot through me, but that’s not efficient teamwork. efficient teamwork is backing them up during messy moments so they can continue to output maximum dps. they can’t solo legend with one character, they will always need help. the real question is… are they helping the team out when needed, or just chasing kills and running off alone?
my favourite char is kerrilian and i’m the one clearing out entire hordes / SV patrols / smashing chaos warriors and stormvermins in my groups. i can compete with bounty hunters fine. they have to pause and reload every now and then, and can’t handle some scenarios efficiently (basically any fight that’s scattered or has shield units)
You clearly did not play with competent BH. If it’s not Grain/Forest or another big open area Volley kills everything faster than LonbBow. That is just a mechanical fact. He can shoots 3 SVs in time it takes to draw LongBow and headshot one. It’s a matter of design. They have to pause and reload? By that time they already killed what they wanted. I know that Kerii can do a lot (I main her too) but vs same skilled BH she falls shot in her range killing power. Sure, we have Glaive vs CWs and they also have Falchion and their ult. Mechanically Volley is just better than LongBow in everyway apart from long distance shots.
but that’s the thing, you’re letting them run in front. if i wanted to hog the kills i can easily position myself in front of them so they can’t shoot through me, but that’s not efficient teamwork
That’s the point - it should not be race. It should not be one. And poistion yourself in front of them… lol, like hat stop people from FF on Legend at all… Wish it work that way.
The point is- this game should not be focused so much on range combat. In V1 nobody would run and gun like that because they would run out off ammo fast. There was no stupid swap exploits, ammo regens etc.
Sure I can run in front too with Swift Bow with Macro and machine gun everything and race with BH or Sienna who can kill more before rest of the team catch up- but that is so lame I just can’t force myself to do it.
V2 lost all the combat depth V1 had. It’s all range spam now.
well im not sure your assumption on design is right in the first place, but no one has ever asked for damage numbers to be even , what we have all been asking for is for all 4 members of the team to have a valid reason for being there and fun experience. and when 1-3 of the people are slaughtering everything its just not fun for the other 1-3. sienna well pyro is the biggest offender , but your right there are others than need looking at.
“slaughtering everything” implies that they are doing high damage. you are saying that even in legend mode, some classes are dominating and these are primarily ranged classes (sienna in your example) so of course, i will draw the conclusion to the damage numbers at the end, which translates to the same thing - doing most of the killing.
anyway, i agree that vt2 doesn’t have vt1’s focus on melee combat. let’s see what fatshark can come up with.
yeah but that wasn’t what i was referring what i was saying is
Is not why we are complaining we don’t expect them to be equal. a squishy glass cannon build should of course have higher damage what we are complaining about is right now we don’t get to do much if anything at all. we just want to play to.
BH can get surrounded and slaughtered very easily. I have seen many of them die like flies. Maybe bad players idk!
Other classes are just so bad, he shines. Trust me, on legend, you want to KO those stormies on the map as soon as possible. Once there is a horde, you need to have plucked out those high damage units before they insta-KO a player when he/she is disabled by a special. Players can’t tank stormy’s overhead but they can tank a few horde hits.
BH is ridiculous now because of free ammo. A good BH exploiter won’t run out of ammo because they can do the weapon swap exploit. Even without the exploit, guarantee crit with critical strike restores ammo, you never run out of ammo. Its just silly.
FS has to fix the weapon swap exploit and look at the free ammo talent. I think we can start with that.
An easy fix would be making melee kill take off 3 or 4 seconds of the 10 seconds guranteed crit cooldown but not the entire thing.
We don’t have to make every class/weapon equal but VC is just too good to pass up for a BH. FS can balance strong weapons with less ammo and weak weapons with more.