Vermintide 2 - Patch

this. +1000

please fatshark undo this sound problem. its making more problems for something that didnt need fixing in the first place. play time and experience is the correct way to solve that problem, not give a massive crutch to new players.

parry mod will crash, dunno if that one is approved or not

Seems unlikely, but could the change to power Vs properties being made additive be the cause? Should only be a difference of a few percent at most depending on your loadout but might be losing you a breakpoint and that’s what you’re noticing?

The main thing this patch made me realise is that I don’t even wanna play the game without the loadout manager mod. I really hope they consider integrating some of these mods into the game so they’re less inclined to break every major patch.

Also a Saltz main and run Boon of Shallya on almost everyone so yeah after waiting weeks for fixes I guess now I’m just waiting for hotfixes to make it worth it to actually play the game again. It’s a bummer not gonna lie. I just earnestly wanna love this game but it’s real hard sometimes.

Yeah, really sad that they can’t hotfix something like a broken talent or trait that has always worked in the past within a day or two. Or even tweak thp on cleave or other simple things that would make a lot of people happy. They say they look at (on stream) talents and weapons that are under-picked, how long does it take to make those adjustments? I’d rather them release a patch every week with a couple tweaks than wait much longer for a larger patch that will likely still break a lot of things.

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They were doing weekly patches for a while there! I dunno why they suddenly decided to stop that and go back to big, slow, substantially more broken updates :frowning:


Because they still believe the delusion that they make everything at once, only once and then it’s fixed forever and it will be awesome.


any update on added temp hp talents/traits working again?

I take that back - my font went back to looking crappy and pixelated again and I have no idea why.

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The spawn noises are actually making the game more confusing for me. It was always easy enough to tell when a special was near both due to their noises and the hero call-outs. Now when a Ratling Gunner spawns I keep thinking that there is one nearby getting ready to fire, only to turn around and find nothing. I’m sure I’ll get used to it at some point, but it just seems completely unnecessary.

The Beastmen hoof noise really surprised me at first too. When I first heard it I thought my game was bugging out and a barrel or something was jiggling around somewhere. This was even after reading the patch notes and anticipating a new footstep sound. That’s how out of place it is.


Where is the fix for the on-kill THP talent? Or Boon? Or the Zealot talent? Or whatever you broke?

Coming up in The Holy Season 2 :wink:


I sure hope this season thing doesn’t fall flat on it’s face like WoM did. :rofl:

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It happened today: elf hacked the trash, then without teleport sound a leech grabbed her. Elf shouted “leech!” After she was grabbed. No announce, no whispering before. Nothing. The character should announce before it like, not after it disabled the player. My sound settings are ok, at least one of the devs told me how to set them after the win10 patch. So my Windows cannot be the issue.

This is just one thing from hundreds. Lets be honest. Nowadays they just releases stuff without confirming that its totally (or almost totally) ok. FS cannot learn from that they released patches that patches a patch’s patch, because guys/girls at the table could not do the work what they are hired for. Or they can, just they are under pressure due to other work, i dont know. I dont really care, “I care only about results”. From the stuff is going on, this is how I see the company. I’m sure i wont buy another product/dlc for this game until they can show what other companies can do. Stable game with betatested contents, stable releases, bugfixes which actually fixes content’s bugs, and not creating a hundred other that they will patch eventually (buggy as well).

There is still a tree on athel where enemies can hide in, hit. I posted a long time ago with evidence, nothing happened. A single tree.

We see already charged up overheading maulers spawning behind players. Nothing is happening. I can, lots of us could continue the list.

I totally lost my faith in the company, I hope once they will get it together.


Actually by saving everything up for a Season Patch, it’s building the hype for the patch higher than it should be really. My expectations are something like a 60 GB patch with almost everything fixed and Halloween maps for two weeks, with Castle Dracula reworked to something awesome.

Yeah right, it’ll be buggy hell and Season 2 will fall flat on it’s face. Sigmar be Spanked if I’m wrong.

I’m actually a bit worried about Lohners Emporium too, as I suspect that’ll be broken and somehow we’ll end up with Bardin running around in a dress he stole from Sienna, while my eardrums will have been blown out of my skull by the sound of a gutter runner 3/4 of a mile away spawning and the stinger volume will have been raised to the point that the sonic boom gives me an instantaneous nosebleed.


Well this would definitely not be a bug, but a feature! :hugs:


I consider myself a pretty hardcore player and even I am taking a break from the game due to its current state.
I have been playing since day one and there have been a lot of issues along the way. But current state of game…what the heck is going on?

After almost 2k hours I am taking a break. Throughout all the goings on over the last year and a half this is my first break. The weird thing is, I still WANT to play. After a a game or two I no longer want to play. Feels bad.


You need to be more hardcore ! I am really pissed about the state of this but still kinda play :joy:

Yeah, I know there are people with a lot more hours but for me 2k hours in a game is quite a lot.
Would be a bit more if I didn’t slowly start playing less and less and the last three to four weeks I have not really played at all.
Guess we will see what comes with the next update.


Yea, if they don’t fix all the crap, then it will prolly break even me. I don’t remember the game ever being this kind of mess.