[Urgent] Psykinetic wrath'stagger mostly no effect on poxbuster

Everytimes my psyker saw a poxbuster coming from afar or close range i use Psykinetic Wrath to stop him from running or jumping but he still keep acting like nothing happen, i use PW a lot to stop him before big patch was release and after new patch i can’t do it anymore and yes PW was psyker class ultimate with a bit long cooldown it should can stagger almost all kind of enemy except some like mutant charge or montros moving it was acceptable…surge staff can cc all elites 100% anytime but class ultmate with long cooldown can’t …pls fix this fatshark thank


Idk about latest patch, but in 1.0.21, it works, u just need to be a little bit closer, preferably when he is jumping at u, u just need to get the feel of the timings to use the ability

PW we all know that it usual work as knockdown for a while with a very far range u can use it to cc almost all elites for example… u can cancel doggo from biting ur teammate, cancel reaper or gunner that keep nonstop shooting but…before big patch no matter how far he is not jumping or jumping he will get cc knockdown while running got stagger while jumping we don’t even need timing to cc him just ult on him thing done but after new patch you can’t cc him anymore like some melee weapon like an axe that dev just fix it knockback that no effect on poxbuster melee push it should always work as cc right…same to PW it was class ultimate with cc it MUST always can cc anything better than melee normal push that how thing should be.

For me it’s always been a 50/50 whether or not the psykinetic wraths pushes them or not so I only use it as an absolute last resort.

Maybe stairs/uneven ground have something to do with since from general memory, I see more successful pushes when they are on flat ground with me.

that a problem PW was an ultimate it must be 100% if 50/50 there sure a skill output mistake … i just got a video that prove my PW was center of him and can’t cc poxbuster he still keep running like nothing happen i’ll upload it soon this bug problem must be solve

PW hit registration is buggy. Reported here Psykinetic Wrath not registering hits This seems like maybe an example of that more general problem.

Well, until they fix this, you have to adapt :grin:

Here my showcase video link that PW cc stagger+knockdown was no effect on poxbuster

While I’m not sure how it’s currently working (I don’t want to make definitive statements as I haven’t played psyker on the current patch), regardless of it either way you’re doing it way too early. Poxbursters have massive stagger resistance until they’re actually leaping. Also worth noting you were only at 47% peril so your actual stagger was also extremely weak. (If you want a strong stagger effect you need to be at high peril)

You’re also just extremely far away in general.

You are too far

i use PW to knockdown a dog which is running or biting teammate from another side of the bridge and range was more far than in the video it still work the dog was still stagger

They are different mobs, poxbuster dive deny requires some skill and it’s good this way

nah in damnation there always double poxbuster incoming with horde and elites while u have to dodge a lot gunner shooting at the same time and my job was cover teammate i can’t swithoff my staff and use melee to push both side of poxbuster i can say only skillplay is not enough in critical situation if u and team have to deal with horde+elites and gunner at the same time while pox was coming from front and back and last of all it the matter that why PW description write that it can stagger enemies if it can’t why they even add it from the first place

You stil can push him with your ability, just let him come closer. Force sword push is also good. Ogryn can push him easier then anyone. Poxbusters also take more damage from explosions - nades, grenadier gauntlet. Vet can press F and pew pew him. Like it’s not only psykers work to deal with them.

i accident found this clip Psyker Damnation Hi-Intensity Purgatus staff - Warhammer Darktide - YouTube at 29:26 i think it close enough to the range you meaning that a skill can push but it wrong PW can’t cc stagger poxbuster in any range from afar, mid or even he already jumping on your face ability can’t stagger pox as it should be this why i start this topic for dev to fix this

Once again they were low peril and used it too early. The poxburster was not yet leaping.

That’s not an example either.

What are you talking about? Psykinetic’s Wrath has a range of 30m and even staggers crushers but has no effect on a poxburster. It is a bug.
Or rather an inconsistency.


Nothing bad with a little bit of inconsistency, the need to learn different timings and tricks to deal with different mobs is what makes game interesting.

In my opinion, it’s the opposite, nothing frustrates more than that. ESPECIALLY for the poxburster because they are not even present in the meatgrinder - no way to test interactions except in missions.
We couldn’t even push bursters consistently before - some weapons didn’t push them far enough. But that was fixed, so this issue should be fixed too.


Well it’s beter to delete poxbuster from the game then, cause being able to push him 30 meters away by pressing F will make him not a treat wnyway, considering team already has different tools to kill him. And making every class being able to deal with any treat will convert this game to V2 design - 4 solo players in team.