The ridiculous page of questions they ask you to pre fill out before creating a thread isnt worth filling out.
Since the first beta the game has had horrific stability problems. The community has since come together and found that the DLSS and Worker Thread settings were the main culprit. You used to be able to get a playable game out of darktide if you set everything to minimum settings with worker threads 1. Since the latest patch that doesnt work anymore.
I am tired. Tired of playing 10 games and getting completion credit for 1 or 2 of them because of crashes. I run a rig that exceeds the recommended hardware provided by fatshark and to not crash before I can run to the mission board I have to run on potato settings, and have since the beta. I would consider that acceptable if that made the game stable and playable, but it doesnt even do that.
I have tried everything the community has thought up to fix this and it just doesnt work. I have reinstalled the game, clean installed drivers, tried all the possible settings configurations to make it playable. Ive even wiped my rig and installed windows fresh with nothing but darktide and the needed drivers for my hardware and it still isnt playable.
At this rate you should be paying me to QA test your embarrassing product. Shame on you, Fatshark.