Unchained's "50% damage transferred to overcharge" replacement

You do you. I’ll do me. As for me, I’m a USian, and have crap ping due to ISP monopolies. I ALWAYS have to be prepared for consecutive hits, unless I am hosting, in which case you probably don’t want to join me because then YOU would have my ping.

Trading hits is never done intentionally, but sometimes it simply can’t be avoided due to technical issues. That’s why UC is great for me, it can soak those random hits pretty easily, as long as I keep a bit of heat buffer. In 1.6 UC had 50 overcharge pool, all I’m asking is to have that back. It played so much better.

It’s not refuted if the points are true. You may disagree with how important they are, but that only qualifies as refutation in your own mind. To everyone else, it’s called “your opinion.”

You are so kind and wise, please imbue more of your wisdom to me that I may bask in your radiant glory and achieve “G’it Ga’huud”, that state of true enlightenment and peace.

High ping is certainly a problem in that regard. But I hope you understand that balancing around high ping would lead to a lot more stuff in the game having to be changed. It is unfortunate in this case.

Also, to make it clear. If I am talking about trading hits I am talking about a purposefully offense focused playstyle which willingly takes these hits into account (think along the lines of Zealot who just doesn’t care). In your case of a high ping I wouldn’t talk about trading hits because it is an unfortunate result of your ping and not the playstyle. That is a difference. Isn’t it?

As for the 50 overcharge pool: Of which difficulty are we talking. Because as someone explained, at the middle of the bar nearly all attacks put you up to max overcharge on Cataclysm. I don’t see this making much difference other than Unchained being able to cast more. But her defensive properties stay nearly the same. On Legend it might make more of a difference.

No point in discussing about opinion. You probably have read the refered discussion and may come to a different result. I would be suprised though because Kitten made several good points which partly just got ignored.

The last part I have already answered. Please refer to the top of this post and please differentiate between an intentional playstyle and a technical causality.

People always say they want classes to feel different. Yet, I get talked to with the argument that 14 other classes can trade hits (not true) and we have one different. And now being different is bad although before it was wished for. People should make up their mind. Unchained is different and she feels good on Cataclysm (haven’t tried it on Cataclysm 2 or higher yet). Personally, I see no reason to further increase the defense properties as she is already the second tankiest class in the game. There are some talents which might be tweaked a bit to make her support built a tad more viable and also to increase the potential reward for the risk. I have answered this in other threads.

He has beat over 100 maps on legend. He is the physical manifestation of mechanical perfection. Bow before him.


lol the community wont rest until the UC is as ridicolously easy and forgiving as the zealot, why try to get better mechanics when the devs can just make the game easy?!

The Unchained is still much stronger than the zealot. You get crazy strong and fast melee couples with the ability to if you feel u wanna chill for a while, pull up your staff and melt hordes with that instead. The Conduit talent makes venting a joke. The ult is fun because it makes UC very safe to play. You always have a way to get out of bad play, just press F and you are set to go again.

“Get Good”

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This guy is actually hilarious

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The ult could use more stagger, slave rats that don’t die are ready to attack again in less than a second. It also seems conceptually wrong that overheating makes you completely defenseless and removes your 50% DR. At times when you overheat and then immediately take a huge burst of damage before you can hit f, you explode before the normal 4 ticks. Like why does zealot get immunity for a brief period when taking a lethal hit but unchained gets shredded like paper when s*it hits the fan?

You can solve this problem by picking “Fuel to the Fire”. It increases your ult power and stagger up to 25 %. If you add additional bonus on Charm you can literally blow away Slave Rats with activation of the active skill. However, you don’t need it then anymore as your ult kills all Slave Rats anyway.

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I guess from testing I realized rats just don’t stagger for very long even when knocked off their feet compared to chaos. I thought stagger power was just pushed into thresholds but adding more stagger does knock them down longer. I think I was also wrong about losing DR when overheating but even then I sometimes feel like hitting f doesn’t register before blowing up. It’s hard to say because I feel like unchained is really strong and I like balancing risk vs reward in different scenarios.