1.0.7 version available further down.

Second, the numbers just don’t match. Different values you give give different mass for them, ranging from 2.5 to 6. Your calculations are just soooo wrong.

Fanatics have a mass of 2.5, marauders 6. At least according to the squatting bear sheet i specifically cited.
Do you have any updated version that invalidates my numbers?

And as far as I know 2h sword cleave/stagger is 15.47/11.25, not 26.92/18.85
And I am certain, that 2h sword lights have 8.44/8.44 cleave/stagger

Light damage cleave was buffed to 9.8 base and both heavies and lights have linesman, which reduces enemy hitmass by 40%, so i simply divided the base values by 0.6 to get the full number. 2h hammer has no such modifier, at least according to the sheet.
Were you possibly confused by using an outdated sheet, where the swords lights had no linesman, the linesman modifier of 0.6 wasn’t listed, the swords lights had less cleave and enemies had higher hitmass?

Both stop after a certain number of enemies hit. The 2h sword will stop after the 2h hammer reached it’s limit, at least according to the stat sheet.
I’ve actually rarely ever seen the 2h sword reach it’s limits, on the heavies never actually (since the buff, before that it’s lights were low on cleave). Although i don’t use it regularly, only occasionally on the huntsman so take that for whatever you want.