Twitch drops are back on!

I get the marketing perspective myself, but I really seriously dislike Twitch drops as a system. I’m aware it’s clearly just me being out of touch or old since most ppl seem to love them, but the idea just makes no sense to me. :frowning_face: (this isn’t directed at Fatshark btw, but the Twitch drop thing in general)

The drops are never earnable in-game. So completely counter-intuitively, to get stuff you want for a game you play, you have to NOT play it. Instead you’re expected to go through the hassle of an effort of finding out who / where / when offers these drops and waste 30-60 minutes of your life watching them play it. Time you could’ve spent doing literally anything far more interesting, including playing the game yourself.

Not to mention the privacy issues (and extra tedium of effort) involved with linking a bunch of personal accounts that should have no business being linked. Sure yeah you can just mute the stream and do whatever while it runs, but that just highlights how ridiculous the whole thing is.

I would literally pay with real money rather than bother with Twitch drops I’d like to have. Except it’s never an option either!

I just don’t get it.


It’s been almost two years since the last Twitch drops.
I wondered if they had given up on marketing during those dark times, but this seems to be a glimmer of hope.


Well, it worked, got them in-game now :+1:

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something is borked with the drops i think its counting stacked streams i really dont think 4 minutes is 53% of 15 minutes

Odd, if thats the case then that’s an error on twitch’s side - so might be good to report it to them!


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not a fan of such drops myself, but to each their own.

i like watching the odd stream or video for the sake of better my gameplay and learn a few tricks.
watching them to get skins specifically is like buying a happy meal, toss the food and make the kids happy with its toy.
sure it´s fun for them for a while, but i rather buy the food i like in the first place.

aquilla store :+1:
earnable cosmetics :+1: :+1:
twitch drops (with all the account stuff in tow) :pinching_hand:


very much this. i’d earn those skins by playing myself or even buying them for aquilas rather than going to some website that pesters me with signing up and throwing publicity in my face the moment i open it.

sah, linking accounts is safe, yes?

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Is this the same skins that was twitchdrops when the game launched??

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None of the listed streamers ( sequenss, /combine03, /hurrvs, /janfon_1, and /telopots) are streaming or in my time zone and drops don’t seem to be enabled for any other streamers.

Got like 2 streamers trying to fein drops being enabled. The gall.

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Yeah, the same ones. i didn’t find anything about it the first tine until there was like a half-hour left anyways, so i’m fine with it.

It’s the exact same crap from a while ago. The skins look god awful by the way.

These skins are the same ones that were given away when the game was released, and after all this time, there are no new skins? Or at least different weapons with the same skin, not just the original.

I guess they were just testing the system out because the twitch drops (currently) are for new players. Its the exact same from 2 years ago. But it’s good publicity for both game and streamer. Players get something cool for their time. Win win win.

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I claimed my Twitch drops, my account is connected properly to Twitch account, Fatshark Account, and my XBox account as it is supposed to…

Yet somehow these cosmetics are not appearing in-game

I think they wanted to give a second chance to get these weapons skins, especially for players that may have only joined last year or this year

When I was watching Telopots Twitch stream for the drops, he was getting so many new follows and subs that he was “wowwed” it made me smile to hear the surprise in his voice :grinning:

i hope you’ll add this skin for all weapons, not just 4? it’s nothing fancy, just a new shade.

Have you double checked your inventory ingame?

Please can you add that to this thread- Unable to Claim Twitch Drops (Sep 2024)

Please provide your fatshark ID and xbox id!

Could I please get a confirmation that the skins are in fact the same rewards from the very first drop?