Twitch Drop availability is insufficient

Why is Twitch Drop only available to a limited number of streamers, and these people aren’t always streaming darktide.

Although it lasts for nearly a month, there is no guarantee that there will be a streamer live when I have time to watch.

FatShark, please make all Darktide streams have drops available!


Caring about twitch drops

Congrats, you’re part of the problem.

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the more pressing issue imo is that twitch drops are a stupid system and also the skins are ugly as hell anyway


Twitch drops…

I’d advocate for erasing the whole thing but the stuff it gives is hardly worth it… Just as 90% of the skins in darktide you get with your 40$.

It’s probably so folks interact with Darktide streamers that are FatShark approved. Certain actors in the space can be pretty inflammatory and disrespectful. Better to limit to a few folks you can trust to not be jackwagons.

Yea, I don’t know how it works really, but a quick perusing of the Twitch developer docs seems to suggest that the developer/game owner can either allow anyone or manually whitelist creators. Personally, I’d only ever do the latter as I wouldn’t want to incentivize the viewing of every stinky little streamer out there.

What problem? Giving and getting silly free baubles in a video game?


Lol just use mods to make weapon look better.
Twitch skin just make your weapons look worse for everyone to see.

I assume he meant locking content behind marketting mechanisms

Aw, free junk! Dang it!

I bet you watch youtube ads lol

No, but I like free stuff, especially for the games I enjoy. Finding new streamers is nice too.

We found the man who likes being advertised to


Never stop sweating man lol

Never stop licking em, get the crust off the soles too boy

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It must be hard to dedicate so much of yourself to things and people you clearly don’t like.

Man tries to shame others for not liking marketting schemes, what a world


You find new streamers with that?
I just leave the stream muted and do something else for an hour.


Yea totally. Gave Davee more than a passing glance after seeing he had drops enabled. Pretty chill stream, my style for sure. But yea, you don’t have to watch or interact or subscribe or anything, which is another nice thing about the drops.

You’re not allowed to like free things, go spend money at the commissary like everyone else.

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lol yea! I also spit on the little old ladies giving out free samples at the supermarket. Don’t they know they’re just part of a corrupt marketing system?!