Twin specials Have To Go

I have seen this with bursters, netters, hounds all sort of specials. Basically there are multiple enemies occupying the same space, to the point they look and move like one.

This is one of the most annoying consequences of the limited collision in the game. Could we at least get enemies pretend from time to time they cannot phase through us and each other?


why didn’t your push work on both of them? I tested it in meat grinder and push ‘push’ any number of pushable enemies that stacked in one

It was the force push (unique for force swords push attack), its single target.

No no, I mean special force push is actually is contain 2 pushes, first one push everything in front of you and second one that push only one target
…Ah, and while I was writing I understood, it because you was too far for first push to work


add elites to this “enemies occupying literally the same space” issue; however is not a bug I’m pretty sure this is exactly how it’s supposed to be functioning. It’s lazy, but this is the game working as intended, enemies often clip through each other. SHOULD it function like this? Absolutely not, it’s a recipe for BS confusion and disaster every single time and it makes for complete chaos during combat threat assessment. Parsing what’s happening when this occurs is irritating.

Also before this gets put under “Look another hyperdensity complaint”, this one feels like the AI director spawns specials of the same time at the exact same time, which results in them taking the same path to the chosen target, and they end up moving as one. A potential fix here doesn’t require fixing the hyperdensity.

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It’s been reported repeatedly for many months, sometimes getting worse in between too.

~Perfectly stacked conjoined twin poxbusters are the worst of the lot, trappers and snipers close seconds.
Specials at least shouldn’t be allowed to stack on top of each other even if other mobs can.


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