Enemy Special spawns more broken?

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Special’s spawning as conjoined twins has either gotten worse again recently or continues to be broken, spawning in group of 2 or even 4.

1 bomber, right?
Nope, it was 4 (buddy’s pov, 1 bullet killed all 4 )

and right behind the twin twins is another set conjoined of twins launching the twin-tailed comet bombs.

This is not a rare occurrence and after a while it just starts feeling cheezy rather than challenging, when there are 2 flamers or 2 poxes exploding in your face, and the 3 sets of twins cover the area in gas etc.


Noticed an increase of this as well, it’s kind of a mind blown moment when you shoot a trapper, kill 3 in one shot, and there’s still another one behind them


Aye, it’s happening 100x what used to be just a once or twice bug in a match.
I just had one with 8 crushers and 15 ragers waterfalling in the same slot, all out of another psyker’s arse in a room we just cleared. All with NO audio. Worst prostate exam ever! xD


I’d like to add further to this since it just happened again…
These buggy spawns especially the crusher trains from thin air, are causing the game to stall- some players will get a full drop 0 fps for approx 2-4 seconds, giving enough time for psykers to accidentally overcharge from frantic “what the hell” casting, and kill other players as their enemies are still attacking while the game is froze. So these spawns are causing issues.

I’d still like to know if it’s supposed to only spawn 1 or 2 but they should be separated, it does seem like it’s spawning 2 instead of 1 very, very often.

Conjoined twins or 1 and his shadow?

Imagine a krak grenade killing 8 tox bombers


No, it seemed to you. The spawn of enemies is absolutely adequate.