Since there has been no ‘official’ clarification on this aside from the infamous ‘CoD’ comments and it being scrubbed from the official website, I’m hoping to get concrete clarification. Because I think this would add a tremendous amount of value to the game and it can be implemented alongside the current crafting system easily.
You literally aim through an attachment rail on the Helbore Lasgun. The auto pistol has a top rail and sling loops. There’s bayonet mounts on the lasguns. The list goes on and on.
Current ‘crafting’ consists of just re-rolling for arbitrary base stats in a behind-the-scenes mathematical equation. But are we ever going to set REAL weapon customization that actually makes a difference in playstyle and gameplay? Will we ever be able to modify/add individual components/attachments to our ranged weapons?
Gunplay would feel tremendously better with this.
Different scopes that also attach tiny attribute boosts like more stability.
Being able to switch between the torch, bayonet or firing modes.
Possibly as interchangeable items rather than upgrades, so you can switch inbetween missions.
It would be fun but I think the issue is that it interferes with weapon skins. I’m sure it could be worked around, but it depends on if they want to do that or not and it seems like they moved away from it.
It’s not that hard to balance actually, once you have your own game philosophy down.
Payday 2 is the prime example I currently think of, that also comes the closest for the mix-up of RPG and Shooter elements.
There is tons of attachments in that game (honestly too many) and weapon balance itself is a bit of a clusterf***. But the attachment system is well done.
Put on an optic scope or a plain iron sight and you get more stability whiling firing on the move.
Put on a long range scope and accuracy gets a boost.
Torch does nothing but adds a torch and the lasersight helps aiming.
I think this is an extremely important feature that they’d be mistaken in canning definitely.
It adds another layer to the item hunt and to player experimentation. It gives players more choices. That thing that feels fun, you know.
Not only that, but it’d make certain things like lights out missions actually fair.