Trivializing the game even further

As if damnation wasnt easy enough already. i could rush alone on hi int and multiple mutants or bugged dogs were the only ones who made me go back to team. These nerfs where dogs or mutants literally cant hit you no matter what are insane, why are you nerfing already easy game even more. Who even asked for mutant nerfs? Just wtf


Disablers are the worst way to add difficulty, this is fine

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Disablers are pretty much the only thing that can make you wipe when combined with other threats. I shouldnt be able to rush alone without a care in the world on hi damnation


Fixing dogs is one thing but i’ve had them literally bounce off my face.


No you shouldn’t and I agree that the mutant changes in particular - which I expect to be reverted soon - have gone to far.
Still if you like difficulty coming from janky special behavior - eg. dogs or bursters that some himbo on your team shoots while you are about to push - then you are surely in the minority.


Mutants I agree with, the nerf to them went pretty far.

Dogs on the other hand have been a problem for a long time, though. They didn’t respect dodges or pushes. Avoiding a pounce or not came down more to how the server was feeling as opposed to your actual skill, and thats a legitimate problem that a lot of people have brought up.

Most people adapted to this by hiding behind walls and meleeing them, or spamming shots to stagger them before they could pounce, but I’m pretty sure they were always meant to be avoidable the same way Trappers and Mutants were. Pretty much the same as Assassins in Vermintide 2.

Fully agree on this.

There is pretty much no threat without disablers in the tide-series in general, while DT made even elites pretty much a non-factor.
I´ve said it already, i would prefer bugged hounds or steeplechase mutants at any time over the “fixed” non-threats we actually have.

And as you´ve said, there is absolutely no reason to actually engage with the team if disablers stay as they´re imo. Solo-rush and gg. But hey… seems like FS is going to fix everything where poeple are like “But it´s annoying, negative review until it´s fixed.”.

And yet they´ve been more of a threat than a problem. This is a coop-game and poeple acted like a dog jumping on them is an instaloss or something.

Was it annoying at some point to get caught by them even with a perfect dodge-timing? Yeah…

But have they mixed things up, forced the team to play together and have made poeple fear them? Definately…


Imo Dogs have very basic design flaws when compared to assassins.


  • have a very clear sign for when they are about to pounce
  • they are not erratic and do not insta pounce (in most cases)
  • they are fast in their pounce, but they are consistent
  • they are easy to dodge, but if you do, they are usually out of melee range then
  • pushing is harder to time - due to pounce speed - yet consistent and leaves them within melee range and therefore sometimes preferable


  • do not have a clear sign for when they are about to pounce
  • they are super erratic but their speed in the air is slow
    → this makes it so they are less reaction speed based as assassins, but more timing based yet their timings used to be super janky for both dodging and pushing.

Further there is no benefit in deciding to either dodge or push a dog as they usually stay within melee range after either of those actions.
This means:

  • They are too slow to matter without having janky timings
  • They are supe inconsistent with their janky timings
  • It doesn’t matter if you push or dodge