Can we please get rid of dogs, at least until they work correctly?

There’ve been at least two patches where the dogs “will no longer go into the stratosphere”, and yet here they are, turning on dimes, ignoring most pathing (and gravity), resistant to pushes most of the time, and are generally just frustrating to play against.

Yes, I get the point of them. Yes, I get that it’s a disabler for the team to help you. Yes, I’ve read the other posts. And YES, they still suck. Not even going into everything spawning on top of you out of doors that make no noise, my biggest gameplay complaint is these dogs.

AND, most of the Damnnation modifiers are lo-intensity hunting grounds. So you’re just being spiteful at this point, Shark?

Anyway, I hope everyone that reads this has a nice day.


They seriously have gotten so much worse in the last couple patches, they’re flying and teleporting all over the place now, even when I dodge behind cover they fly by me and then teleport onto me behind the cover…


I think the hunting grounds dogs are okayish, as they have so little HP.
But the regular disabler dogs are terrible. There is no way I can avoid getting pounced by one at the moment. Your behind cover? They teleport on you. You push them? F_ck your push, they pounce on you. You dodge? F_ck your dodge, they pounce on you. You attack them? F_ck your attack most of the time, they pounce on you.
It’s the best thing to just stay with your team, but even then there are situations you need to avoid getting pounced on but the chances in doing so are pretty shitty at the moment.


Yes, even less enemy variety is what we now need.

Please, no. Just dodge them. They are a lot more forgiving compared to their release version.

They work correctly, stop blaming the game for your issues.

Yeah they’re supposed to fly 100 feet straight up into the air for no reason


Pushing them can launch them into the stratosphere.
You can clearly dodge them only to have them teleport onto you.
They can pin you around corners or through cover.
They sometimes delay their pounces or pounce without warning, so even if you push or dodge at the right time you still get pounced.

They’re busted, mate.


The sad part is that the dogs will be such a simple treat when they are properly fixed.
They are hard to win against now because the bugs they possess.
You can’t dodge them properly and they take a ton of ghost hits that doesn’t register aswell.

Question is however, will they ever be fixed? :sweat_smile:


I agree wholeheartedly with @sunnytater and I don’t understand why FatShark has not yet removed Hounds from the game until they work properly.

People can flame me all they want, but Poxhounds besides being incredibly buggy, should not be able to survive more than one Brainburst on Damnation and the moment something hit them, thry should let go of their target.

FatShark should have added a mechanic like in the game Aliens: Fireteam elite where you can through a minigame try to free yourself from disablers .

If something doesn’t work; remove it and fix it. It’s really that simple and not immesurably complex.

Also, I don’t play Ogryn’s myself, but Poxhounds should not be able to pin down an Ogryn IMO.

Remove the hounds until they work as intended.


Ew another post from someone asking for nerfs because they dont know how to handle dogs. Dogs are fine you are bad. End of discussion.

Dogs are bad! And you are bad, Haiboku!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m fine because my braced autogun stuns dogs to death.

But seriously, the dogs seem to become buggier with each patch. Just because players find workarounds doesn’t mean bugs are cool.


Just camp a corner the moment you hear the howl, it’s a free kill then. That said FS needs to make their jank animations not so ludicrous.

Dogs were ok before, i dunno why they touched them again there was no reason. Now hounds are flying on 5 meters up and resist push, great :ok_hand:


I agree that dogs aren’t fully functionnal but I think they are “fine” as in “manageable by a team”.

an other tip: charging with a zelot will always have knockbackpriority on a dog jump so you can easly control one with a zealot

LOL no?!? I cannot dodge them again ever since patch #8. The briefly worked fine in the patch that added the actual lag-comp but went right back to their buggy, unavoidable BS ways the very next patch.

I’m not for removing them, they can be played around, but my god are they just as insufferable as they were for the most part of DTs existance.

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“least delusional take” spotted :slight_smile:

I wholeheartedly agree with the OP, these dogs are an insult to every game designer and gamer who ever lived. Fatshark trying to fix these is like watching them trying to polish a turd, it will simply never be anything good or fun just something that stinks.
Remove these abominations and replace them with something else and good I say!

I never remember assassins being this broken & annoying in VT2, I’m fairly certain they copy-pasted a good chunk of the code over for the poxhounds, the question is why it doesn’t work right.
I guess it’s a dedicated server lag issue with server side verification.
They really need to make the netcode client side, would solve so many issues.

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I bet that would make hit reg in general a lot better too. (This is claimed not understanding the least bit about how most of that works) I sometimes go multiple mags without feeling unregistered shots but sometimes it’s 5 in a row. Or how about 3 melee swings in a row? That stuff get’s you killed and turns a perfectly fine combat encounter into two downed/ pounced teammates, potentially ending the run.

Its also the fact that it’s so inconsistantly poor but very frequent in gameplay that makes my blood boil at times.

On the regard of VT2 assassins: they are perfect, don’t even @ me! They can be avoided at a 100% rate if you know how, they can be pushed out of the air/mid pounce, they have consistant behaviour but not so predicable that they aren’t a threat and they kill you relatively quickly on their onw.

Dogs do none of that! They just plainly suck ass. If nothing else, please for the love of the emperor, replace the 1800HP dogs with the 300HP ones.

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