There are multiple errors in french localization, especially on Chaos Wastes boons.
In Boon Morr’s protection :
Original : Downed allies near you are invincible
Translated : Downed ennemies near you are invincible
Correct translation : “Les alliés au sol près de vous sont invulnérables”
In Boon Djaf Harvest
Original : Landing 3 headshots in a row grants 10% power for some time
Translated : Landing 10 headshots in a row grants 3% power for some time
Can’t even fathom how numbers can get mistranslated
I’m quite sure there are more, but those were the obvious ones as they made no sense at all. I’ll update if I find more
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Yeah we played a lot of games avoiding to pick that one…
And Djaf Harvest too, as landing 10 headshots in a row for a mere 3% power bonus seemed kinda lame.
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Found another one. Did not note the title of the boon but it’s the one that either
increases reload speed of your ult by 10% or
reduces your ult cooldown by 10%
Can’t say for sure as the french translation “increases your ult cooldown by 10%” which is, again, absurd.
At this point, could you please post a json or something like that to proofread the translation of the boons ? After 800h of play, I can safely assume I won’t be missing the point so many times
haha I thought Chinese translation is the only ridiculus one…
bright wizzard level 10 talent:
origin:gain 10% crit when above 80 health
chinese:gain 80% crit when above 10 health
nature bond
origin:recover 1 health every 5 sec
chinese: recover 5health every sec
kaien`s thirst
origin:gain 5% damage reduction at each 20% health lost
chinese:gain 20% damage reduction at each 5% health lost
property of necklace:“push/block angle”—chinese===“Attack/block angle”
There are alot more hilarious tranlations too
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December 1, 2022, 10:01am
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