Too many missions?

I’m all for choice, but I think there are (currently) too many missions on the board for the game population.

Friday evening, 8pm gmt. Likely a peak time? A friend and I queued up together for 6 games across levels 4, 4hi, 5reg, auric 4s. Some of those we picked and waited in a lobby. Some were quick play… that also dropped us in a lobby.

We played each level for at least 5 minutes.

At no time did another player drop in. Over 30 minutes total in game time, more if you include lobby queue.

Some people’s dream scenario I know, but I’m personally playing a 4 player coop for that experience. We finally got a 4 man party when we fired up a level 3 :eyes:

I’m not saying it’s always like that. But a Friday night to basically be barren of players in (what I assume) are probably the median difficulties? Not a great experience.

I believe that this is a wrong assumption - just like you I alsor experience larger player counts on Tier 3. And most players there play in a way that suggests they shouldn’t try Tier 5 yet. (Not dissing anyone - I myself can quite hold myself in regular Tier 5 but won’t carry anyone and become a liability on HI OR ST and especially on HIST missions.
Participating in these forums or following the three youtubers still playing DT may give a false impression that most play Tier 5 and that Tier 5 is easy - many find it extremely difficult.

I’d even suggest that the game is mainly balanced for Tier 3. On Tier three the enemy hitpoint pools give you the best interaction with our weapon damage, meaning on Tier 3 our weapons feel more or less all as they should according to lore and/or common sense.

But yes - the implementation of auric split the high Tier gamers in half, which is tricky given the low remaining total population.

Same thing for me during the past week (damnation HI+STG, sometimes HI).
Especially sad to see it yesterday (friday) and today (saturday; in the morning to be fair).
There were barely any players, and those who i did get matched with, were mostly so bad, that i wished i could play with the awful bots instead.

It is a big shame that it has come to this.
With FS not having fixed many of the major painpoints almost a year after release, it is no surprise that there is barely anyone left.

I really hope that the upcoming update revitalizes the playerbase, and that FS finally fix the crafting system, because the game deserves better.

Not same experience.

I have found players at anytime.
Not playing Auric, play quickplay damnation.

Try sundays, Ive never sat for more then a few min on a sunday. Alot of people go out in friday and saturday. Across the multiple games that I play friday is always a slow night.

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