Simple solution, instead of having such a huge selection of missions on regular/auric, reduce regular down to 10 missions, and auric down to 6. As of right now, trying to find missions in Auric is basically impossible at certain times of the day. As of right now, there is 2600 players online. I have been sitting and waiting in an Auric maelstrom for over 15 mins and not one person has joined, and yes it is still on the mission board.
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. The added queues have made it much harder to find games in lower-pop regions.
Pretty sure theyre expecting a patch 13 player bump
Pretty sure they were expecting that the previous 12 patches as well.
Can’t speak for OP, but my comment is based around using the QP/maelstrom queues.
See what happens on xbox release, they’re probably waiting to see what kind of playercount boost they get and then work from there.
Crossplay will help.
We got more mission types to play with - Yay!
But we have fewer people to play them with - Nay!
Maybe rein in the amount of available missions a bit. Just a bit.
Decreasing choices = bad
This isn’t a problem with too many maps to chose from, this is a problem with not enough ppl to play with.
The sad thing is: this will continue to be a problem even after patch 13 went live. Not immediately but soon enough the player count will drop through the floor again since the actual issues are not being fixed.
Terrible progression and locks need to go, hitreg being essentially DnD sytle RNG is also unacceptable, bugged disablers hitting you mid dodge or ignoring your attacks / pushes, random disconnects or even mission getting aborted for no reason and the list goes on
No amount of content will fix this phenomenon and it’s happend with every single patch before.
I hate to be that guy, but I think player internet connection plays a big role there, the stuff you’ve described has only ever happened to me maybe twice in a couple hundred hours, it’s not something everyone experiences…
You’d be wrong, to a degree anyways.
I used to have satelite internet with pathetic bandwith and now I have cable with 30X the bandwith and the correct port-forwarding and guess what?
No conceivable difference in hitreg and the other stuff I mentioned…
More choice = good
Less people = bad
More choice + less people = super bad
We need that critical mass of players to populate the number of choices we have. Too many choices and not enough people to fill them out is what makes a game feel dead, and that scenario is the sort of thing that actually kills games. All but the most diehard players leave and play other things if they feel like there’s just nobody to play with.
Then if you are using quickplay as you say that suggests that the number of missions available doesnt matter because the small Auric population are all in full missions already and there is no one available to join with. Reducing the number of missions on the board isn’t going to change struggling to find lobbies using quickplay.
Depends what you mean by “choice”.
Like, if they added the choice for me to queue for all difficulties and mission types on the Auric board, that would help. I’d rather get dumped into a heresy match than spend 20 minutes not playing at all.
The number of queues we have just within QP alone is an issue, given the number of players we apparently have left. Like, there’s 5 QP queues + a maelstrom queue on the standard board and 2 + maelstrom on the auric board. Even if we discount the specific mission queues, that’s a lot.
I’d be interested to see how many solo players actually choose specific missions, I can’t imagine it’s a huge number. Every time I’ve tried it on either the standard or auric board has been an exercise in futility.
i to have never had any of the problems you list. never have done , well i do think there was a time when a power hammer blow did go through a poz walker , but its happened once and i might of missed in truth.
but this isnt a bandwidth issue i get a poor 5.8mb/s and there is still copper wire involved in at least the local exchange to my house, none of it is fiber. and i can have 5mb of that DL being used in patching a game and still have a rock solid connection. the game doesnt need to send a lot of info , it does need to send and recieve it very often and reliably.
where you live matters a lot. there might be hardware damage on any hop between you and the server , your isp might be skimping on the backbone connection, traffic calming might be being used my isp used to do this a few decades ago online just became impossible between 6pm and 12 pm.
but i live in the UK use BT infrastructure and connect to the eurropean servers and everytthing is near perfect,
it would be interesting to see where everyone with problems is , i suspect it could be an America thing becuase a lot of the issues sound like Upload issues and there ISP’s are legend for throttling that.
btw just to be clear i do believe you, and im sure others have the issue to its just its doesnt appear to actually be a server issue , or at least its not a european server issue
In AU I have the odd match reject me when I try to join, but otherwise it’s pretty solid. I’ve given up on telling people I don’t get hitreg issues. Apparently I’m just blind and don’t see them
There are a lot of high tier auric missions on the board at any one time (IMO). Is that reflected in the player base populations wanting to play those levels? Guessing not.
I’m sure fs know how many of each level type gets fired up. Maybe should balance the mission board towards that. Or else worrying if they already have…
Bern & ZĂĽrich (CH) and now Vienna (AT).
The thing is, only DT has any of these issues I outline above. VT2 has never had any of these problems, even on the old ISP, not even a single time.
The only difference between the two games is that VT2 was PTP and DT is on dedicated servers.
It didn’t matter if I had awful satelite connection, regular cable or optic fibre in switzerland, DT had and has the same issues on all three connections.
The only common denominator is the game itsself and its switch to dedicated servers.
Its a bit hard to believe either Switzerland or Austria has worse infrastructure than here in the UK and you must be as close to the servers as i , i strongly suspect we play on the same cluster. if i were a betting person i woul dof expected me to have the issues and you be fine.
there are alot of differences beyond being p2p and dedicated, if DT was p2p and you hosted if i were to jopin id just get your current problem doubled as would any client. but DT is a lot less client side Authoirative and is very different game with the network chatter. VT is fine for the same reason tic tac toe is fine , you could play that by email. Dt has a lot more going on.
assuming were on the same server , and its hard to imagine theres multiple locations for central/west europe the common denominator isnt the game as i play that to and its fine.
the common part i see is your PC, or some part of the isp to backbone infrastructure , or isp data manipulation.
maybe someone at fatshark can confirm we are playing on the same servers? @FatsharkCatfish
or someone can offer a way to test the connections there and back , but were exceeding my knowledge at this point.
its a puzzle and a sucky one t o have, gl with it.