PATCH: 4.6
- Remove DMGR lowering Vent damage
Leading Shots Heat Sink fixed?
PATCH: 4.6
Leading Shots Heat Sink fixed?
Yeah I was confused about that patch note. From my experience leading shots + Hunter already worked as expected, so Heat Sink is also all I can think of that could have changed. If anyone works out what exactly this patch note did I’d love to know.
No change. Both the Channeled Flame and burst doesn’t work.
So what did that change actually do exactly? Lol.
Also wait heat sink isn’t working even on LMB bursts? Cause I could swear that it used to work for that. Very strange.
Ok it doesn’t do anything full stop.
I didn’t read the comment section, so apologize if someone else has already answered these
Does Cooldown Reduction on Trinket reduce the time it takes to reload?
It does nothing on Engi. The cd GK/FK provide are Cooldown Regen, which are same as Engi crank buff/different from Cooldown Reduction, work with Engi.
Do Shrapnel or Explosive Ordinance still work with the Trollhammer Torpedo or was it patched? (training dummys numbers show no difference)
Grenadier and Shrapnel both work. Dummy don’t take Shrapnel damage increase.
Straightforward Bardin question. Does engineer’s armor pierceing slugs affect the drakefire pistols in any way and if so how?
It generally allows all types of shooting to pass through Elite Armoured enemies or close enemies with high Mass, which you can’t usually shoot through.
It makes the primary shots Cleave once through every enemy, including Armoured. I’m not sure how this effects the normal cleave (without Armour Piercing Slugs).
It makes the Right Click Shotgun Cleave through Elites and armoured enemies, allowing you to AoE enemies behind them.
My personal opinion, having tried this with a couple of builds, is that it’s not really worthwhile, unless you want it to improve your Crank Gun.
Essentially, the enemies you would hit with it, could have been hit without, with decent positioning, and the extra enemies you can hit (armoured), take little damage from it.
Both Leading Shots and Armour Piercing Slugs are weak with Drakefire Pistols. Combined Arms with Crit% and Hunter is best. Sadly they’re not that impactful on him. Dual Hammers and Drakefires can still do really high sustained damage though.
Armour Piercing Slugs is worthwhile on:
Question about Dual Axes:
Is there any Stagger breakpoints at all?
I’m running Opportunist, Chaos/Chaos/Armour and have WPoS 25% Stagger bonus, and still can’t interrupt attacks from Maulers and Chaos Warriors, with full stacks and heavys.
Once again, my stagger bible:
Stacks of what? You’re aware Trophy Hunter is just damage so doesn’t affect stagger or cleave yeah? Actually just realised your Slayer guide has an error there by treating Trophy Hunter as power. 99% sure it’s just a damage bonus. Lack of raw power bonuses is probably the single weakest aspect of Slayer TBH.
Only access to raw power Slayer has is Skull Splitter and, oddly enough, Dawi Drop, which is a ginormous raw power boost while airborne, but obviously very impractical to use well.
Oh yeah, I misread it. I think GK’s Power stacks tricked me into thinking both was Power.
It makes a lot more sense that even with that setup, it didn’t Stagger anything. It feels really weird. lol
I’ll give it a go.
Should have made my intentions a bit clearer. I was trying to see if I could make the Move Speed build more safe with Stagger stacking.
Move Speed Greataxe with Grimnir’s Focus, spamming Heavy Attacks may actually be decent. Gonna test.
Regarding running Opportunist on Slayer generally I think it can be pretty nice on Greataxe. You get the following stagger breakpoints assuming you’re also running skull splitter:
Plus some interrupt elite light attacks with push breakpoints I can’t be bothered listing. Debatable if it’s worth the loss of SS since Greataxe kinda fiends for attack speed, but can be a nice option depending on your second melee weapon.
Still need to do OE.
Ignore the image of a Slayer with a Chain Axe and don’t think “Fatshark add a chain axe for Slayer, so we can bladestorm at 500mph”
Adrenaline surge does not work as you indicated. Triple the seconds that are regenerated for every second elapsed when you’re at Trophy hunter’s maximum. See the Royal with Cheese guide.
The maximum health is 169 with 20% Health on Necklace and with WPoS Passive. The 172 value is wrong. It also applies to other careers.
Outcast Engeneer has 125 base HP.
I can’t find that info. I can’t even find where I found the original, which would have been a guide, since at the time I barely played Slayer at all.
On Royale w/ Cheese guide, he just says ’ Adrenaline Surge will double your career skill charge speed’
Do you have the specifics of this?
Ty both.
This one.
Thx again.
Oh, it’s specifically your guide which I have favourited on Steam.
I literally went through it to find your Bardin guide.