Thunder Hammer is just kinda weird and feels off

Like, everything the Thunder Hammer can do, the Eviscerator does better imo.

Light attacks do no damage to armour (maulers and crushers) which considering this is supposed to be a 2H hammer from vermintide makes no sense.

It can oneshot headshot any traitor guardsmen but the Dreg meleers (cultists?) take two headshots despite the fact they have a piece of sheet metal protecting their face, not even their head. (this counts as flak armour apparently??)

Activating it is situational at best, it’s only really useful for dealing major damage to elites / specials or launching ragdolls which while funny isn’t particuarly useful, whereas activating the eviscerator is good on single targets for more damage or good on hordes because it boosts cleave.

I think activating the thunder hammer and hitting something with it should do some kind of small explosion or blast like the current animation suggests, dealing damage and staggering enemies in a small area, and it should get tweaked or fixed so that light attacks deal damage to armour.

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