Thrust stealth buff?

0 Thrust

3 Thrust

2291/917≈2.5, I tried 1 and 2 and they were 1.5 and 2.0 respectively.
Thrust is now 50% per stack!

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omnissiah be praised

Here’s the Thunder Hammer in question:

This most obviously helps the T Hammer which I’m all for, but does this apply to other weapons? I have a Krourk knife with Thrust and Momentum and if the buff applies there I would love that. I’ll test it out sometime later for myself, but not sure if I’ll have a tin of play time this week.

Hammer of the gods really nice roll btw!

I watched a chain axe one shot crushers, so I’d say yes.

Had the same experience on all my weapons with thrust. They consistently deal more damage now than before the patch. Not sure why.

No secret buff…
Just a big mistake…

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Chainaxe one shoted crusher even before update with thrust, so it’s not an indication unfortunately.

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