Throw RNG in the trash where it belongs

Seriously. All the RNG that you have in the crafting system has just made it the absolute worst part of your game. The solution is to just throw it in the bin and start again without RNG as the core mechanism. Build something new (either based off player suggestions or not) and just get rid of it.

The game is fantastic when you’re actually playing a mission, but I can honestly say that pretty much every game mechanic implemented on the Morning Star is just crap and needs to be redone with little or no RNG.



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Standard Darktide dev meeting


you forget nerf weapons below “balanced baseline” and dont buff 90% of the useless weapons that exist just to miss you up Sir Milk and shop.

There are no useless weapons, you just need to git gud and stop leaning on the f ucking crutches boi :rofl:

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Yes, i did enjoy using Graia Autogun at T4 :rofl:

even a scab gave me his weapon in sympathy

I would not be surprised if one of the game devs/game play designers is addicted to slot machines irl and that addiction has followed them into their day job of designing game mechanics.

It’s that bad, and too anyone outside it looks like insanity.