This ISSUE is a Time-Bomb! (VT2 Veterans, Attention pls!)

Friends, I will try to keep it short and simple. This is serious

I LOVE the Tide series (1200+ hours),
I played Darktide for 230 hours, 4 careers at level 30, completed all the missions on damnation; And despite the existing problems of the game (bugs, crashes, an imbalance in weapons types) - I LIKE it … and i will like it even more over time ofc, when it’s problems will be solved. But as a player of “endgame”, I now look in the future and already notice a Big redflag with future content. It terrifies me!

How can you remember (who played VT2) each Character had a level progress and items/inventory tied to it. What does it mean if you are a level 30 Marcus Kruber with red items, then you can choose a different career (4 with dlc’s) at any time, depends on your mood, and enjoy the game with same inventory/exp progress, but different playstyle/skills. And it works great. You want to return.
Here, after long hours of playing and getting that many game mechanics and interactions are made with an emphasis on Maximizing the Grind (not a secret) without thinking about how it can hit the pleasure of replayability…
→ we see a dangerous hint that future careers for the archetypes of characters will be placed on the Start screen of creating a new save slot. Have you noticed that we Create an Char/Operative (veteran,zealot etc.) with binded career? Remember, that in addition to this we also have a limited number of slots for characters - currently 5.
a) If Each Career has a separate slot, experience, currency and items that will not be shared with other careers of this char - This is already a terrible downgrade from what was achieved in VT2. We are forced to farm same things and experience again… and again… and cannot use, say, a (380waffle) weapon that we spent weeks waiting in the store on another career of the same char!
this is nonsense
b) And at the same time we are also limited in creating up to 5 such careers out of a possible 12 over the next 2 years … or delete a saveslot Who have you spent many hours on to create a new one out of 7 others)
This is super nonsense, but it’s more like a rotten cherry on a sour cake)

Visual explanation 1
Visual explanation 2

We have already been shoved into the RNG store, RNG craft and other systems that are not about pleasure, but about grind… BUT if what I described in this topic will work exactly like that, then the playin’ communic… communicae will shrink over time, not grow

Dear Devs, please make the slots tied to the Archetype of the operative so that we can switch his Career in the future with a common inventory between them - just like in VT2.
Please, do an Analysis! You have a good core mechanic of your past game. This will increase the replayability and interest to the game.

Please support! We all love that game and we need to gain in voice number.
Mark my words: we’ll have the forums drowning in screams and tears on release of a new career - if we dont start asking now.
What do YOU think about it?

i think this and many other sections of the game are not what they envisioned i strongly uspect this game had a very large upheaval and a lot of the outside the actual mission gameplay sttuff got thrown in the bin and just about everything is an assortment of old proofs and quickly cobbled together placeholders.

i suspect we will have 1 slot per archtype and each class will use the same character , i suspect curios will be swappable amongst class’s but not archtypes. as they do not share a perfectly common pool or at the very least some curios will be made class pecific if they are allowed account wide.
i mean has anyone seen a +3 sta curio for thier vet?

if there is a need for more character slots theres nothing standing in the way. i think we have 5 becuase when they set it to 5 they were expecting to ship 5

im sure we will eventually get weeklys and currencies at least mostly account wide

basically im expecting all the areas this game falls short and there are so o many to eventually be either implemented redone or polished to a pointpast v2 .

also dont think this will be a quick fix

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Well, actually have two open slots, as why anyone would want to entertain the mess that is the Psyker class is beyond me. :slight_smile: