This game is actually dead

I keep getting put into games with bots lol. Oh well, I don’t blame people for abandoning it since it is so broken.


Nice constructive feedback you got there.


The constructive feedback is: fatshark needs to fix their broken game.


Your names are program, you two. Huh?
Anyway, game is not dead.

Skill issue


With 50K players online that’s quite an achievement.


Yeah thebot problem is enfuriatign, if i join 3 matches and get parried with bots i just leave and go play something else.
These level 1 bots are beyond useless, they are an insult to the hard work that went on everthing else in the game, they could solve this by adding lobby browser (in vt2 i manually select a lobby without bots always)

We are capping under 40K today…

Not dead, but once the majority of players realize that there is no meaningful progression post 360 weapons other than frustration… They’ll probably jump ship :). Of course you have your regular game tourists too, they’ve already jumped ship - I mean those people play for about a week and then they’re done…


50k peak concurrent on both Saturday and Sunday. Clearly dead.

This was what people kept saying in New World too, noo but X day had this amount. The next week even more players left until it had lost 90% of its playerbase in a month - it never regained them btw.

How about, we don’t start that here. Losing players is bad. End of story, does it kill a game? Not necessarily.


Why even bother giving fatshark constructive feedback. They dont give us any constructive feedback when we finish a mission. They deserve feedback as broad as “total kills” that says 0 half the time.


Seriously, if there’s 50K players, why does it take so long to find a team? Was it like that only between really specific hours?


I dont get the matchmaking. Id say 90% of games start with just me by myself or me and my friend. Bots for 1/3 to 1/2 the mission

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This happens to me “only” on Damnation, Heresey lobbies are usually filled pretty quickly. But yes, I think this is also the consequence of the lack of lategame and the itemization, there is simply no benefit in playing Damnation except to get the frame. I would have put the game aside long ago if I wasn’t such a miserable achievement hunter and “working off” the penances…

The game is not dead yet, just partially very uninhabited. :frowning:


My friends and I get games instantly, and couldnt get a match with a bot when we were trying to - to check out bots.

Sorry for whatever is going on in your life.


Damnation is pretty empty, thats all I know


Matchmaking generally seems pretty funky. The “finding strike team” when you try to load a mission seems to fail more often than not, then I go to the waiting screen, and waiting the full 60 seconds almost invariably still doesn’t end up with anyone else in my team. It’s usually not till I’m in a mission proper that people start getting put into the team.

I’m also curious if it’s matchmaking by region? There’s no search near/far option like there is in VT2 so I’m wondering if being an Aussie is causing how weirdly slow it can be to get a full team. This isn’t recent for me, it’s been like this since pre release beta. I dunno, as I said, match making just seems funky.

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Maybe sizeable amount of those player numbers are store checkers,padding the games stats without adding anything to the matchmaking. I can hardly blame them if thats the case…

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A good chunk of them would be for sure. I always see on reset a tonne of players appear and run to the shop, then disappear a minute later

First thing for me,

  • Any difficulty i have poeple
    -If i start with bot i wait 2-5minute poeple join
    -If i realy fail to have good poeple i use the friendlist

I never made a game with bot, no matter the time