The tag wheel is too slow

It feels like it takes half a second for the tag wheel to show up when holding the input, even for separating the tag and tag wheel. Then when the wheel is up it takes a bit too much movement to get the ping you want to use.

These two facts combined make the tag wheel effectively unusable in combat, it simply takes too long to use the tag wheel when enemies can decimate your toughness or block in the same time it takes for you to use it

I simply want the social wheel to be an instant input and hopefully with less mouse distance to travel to use it, to make it a good feature worth using in combat and teamplay.


Seconded. There should be no delay at all, at least when you’ve got the delay set to minimum.

There is a setting for that
Also binding it somewhere else helps

They got this SO right in VT2, it genuinely amazes me how badly it’s implemented here.

In VT2, it’s instantaneous and works off the smallest of mouse flicks in the direction of the command.