The Ping Sound and Cooldown

As of the recent feature update, Patch 6.3.0, there has been a change to the Ping system for marking certain enemies, objects, and items.

This change is very welcome, specifically when it comes to the ability to Tag enemies. The cooldown on tagging is effectively removed, which makes pinging between them much more seamless.

However, that imposes an issue.

I’m a player that enjoyed binding Ping to attack and defend as well. I’d use the keybinds in tandem to reduce the need of additional inputs (by not needing to press the keybind for Tag). Many of my friends did this too.

However, now that pinging can be seen as more “spammable”, it is also dramatically more noticeable; the reason being that the sound for the Ping will always play whenever you Tag something.

My suggestion is to keep the original cooldown on the Ping SOUND (4-5 seconds?), but keep the change of having no cooldown to Tag between enemies, objects, and items. Make it solely a visual change instead of both a visual and audio one.

I’d be greatly appreciative if something was done about this. I use the “Neuter Ult Effects” mod, so my Tag on enemies doesn’t play the aforementioned sound. Not every player in the game uses this setting, nor do they use this mod.

Additionally, I’m aware that the hotfix 6.3.1 fixes this for Versus, but the issue remains for other game modes. I mostly play Adventure, so this fix didn’t really apply to me.

In conclusion, the main issue I have is with the pinging sound, and how the current lack of cooldown for this sound is a detriment to others playing the game. I don’t want people to think that I am trolling their match or trying to hurt their ears. I just want to have fun and play the game the way I always have.

Thanks for your time.


Seems like a great idea!

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