Tag/Ping spammers ruin the game for everyone, simply just remove the sound effect from the game and it should break the mods that allow people to hotkey spam pings like look there and go there. They do it for absolutely no-good reason. Don’t defend this behavior there no valid reason to do it, 90% of the time you ask them to stop, and they go on a frenzy and do it more.
Also please nerf dueling sword thanks.
edit: im talking about the tags from the wheel like with the icons of the arrow, eyeball, and red skull and the annoying sounds they make and spam of voicelines. Its abused via mods, and ive even seen people spam random voice lines like med pack down or whatever via mods.
When I encounter spammers i just ask then to stop it and 9 out of 10 they stop and apolegise. Unless they are vet middle tree in which case i wont ask them to stop because that is the builds intention.
those guys ping every other target one then forget about it for the most part. the only issue ive had was ~3-4 people in my entire playtime that thought spamming it would apply more stacks.
which is not true it just sticks to the original stack count that you applied the first time. so spamming it just annoys people
I think I only have found one single ping spammer (Mostly sure binded to M1)
And personally and honestly, I prefer it to 90% of matches of people not pinging crap, they can be with 20 rages and 5 crushers at melee range, but refuse to tag even as a “HELP HERE”
Like as a Vet main, someone pinging me the snipers and gunners makes my life (and theirs) much more easier.
i mean they ping the same bulwark 10 times before it dies. i tried to explain that the bulwark they kept spamming wont get anymore than the first number of stacks they applied but they wouldnt listen 90% sure they had tag bound to the rmb. imo that is spam.
but tagging an enemy every 10+ seconds is fine. unless theres an emergency like a barrel about to blow you off the known universe spamming is never a good experience.
I use the ping system for everything from pickups to enemies, but I don’t spam it, so never been told not to ping things or even had someone who spam it luckily as I get how that would be annoying as hell.
AFK spam pinging elevator/secuiry door when everyone is fighting a newly spawned horde with an elite train = instant block. It is a terminal stage of knife zealot brainrot.
Sorry, not sorry
I grabbed the debuff indicator and tested it in the Pyskhanium.
You apply your current stack level to an enemy. So if it’s taking a while to go down, it could be worth re-tagging the same target as that applies your latest stack count.
It also resets it to 1… so you know, only worth doing on monsters or bosses I’d say.
Also, if you’ve gone down the left hand side of the talent tree, then arguably Superiority Complex (15% base damage bonus to elites) will stand you in better stead as you’re getting the bonus on everything you hit without reset.
Yes, it can be super annoying no doubt. I don’t feel like this is a big enough issue personally for them to even give a crap, honestly. I’ve played literally around 4,000 matches myself & this has happened only like maybe 3-4 times if that, I’m talking about trolling-wise & not Vet using his abilities. You’ve probably had this bad experience & are venting which is fine, everybody does this from time-to-time. But yeah, in my eyes it’s really a non-issue. Just leave, vote kick or block them, simple as that, problem solved.
NO? It will overwrite and upgrade the focus debuff stack count if it’s higher.
Tag a mob at 2, you can upgrade that tag to 3 if you have available.
Stupidly OFC it lets the focus vet re-tag ad nauseum, it’s a real nuisance but thankfully mods neuter the spam.