“Behold this digital repository, where we archive the deeds and misdeeds of the Emperor’s instruments upon Atoma Prime. Herein, we venerate the faithful who execute the Omnissiah’s will with precision and efficiency, and we record for eternal admonition those who falter in their sacred duty. Let the machine spirits bear witness to their triumphs, and may their failures serve as a binary reminder of the price of imperfection.”
It’s been suggested, so I think we should do it. Let’s post some of our best and worst clips as they come. Please, avoid just posting videos with no caption, try to give some context what your video is like a brief summary so people will be enticed to watch it. Brag a bit. Show it off, or invite them to chastise you in the name of the omnissiah for your failures.
Comms Plex154/2F
Auric Maelstrom A-I-II
Gun Psyker
Assail-Scrier’s Gaze-DD
Columnus - DS IV
The Brag: Probably my first carry where I was alone for a little bit at the beginning after I turned off always dodge. Kept trying to jump only to dodge backward. I turned that off and things got better. I did really well for a while. A couple times, I picked up excess ammo. I kept extending myself at the hack section because I was trying to get an assail off at a sniper that was pressuring the team, but it seemed everyone was trying to get to the sniper and not covering for anyone. I started to lag just a bit at the end, but over all, I was on FIRE this game. I was in the zone compared to how I usually do. I wonder if SM2 will give me that similar kind of adrenaline rush. Idk because kill animations really slow that rush down… We’ll see.
Anyone who still uses the same key for dodging and jumping, should change their settings.
It makes absolutely no sense to have jump and dodge on the same key.
I know it is the default setting, but it is a stupid default setting and everyone should change it. In fact, FS should change the default setting.
You should instead use A key for jumping A key for sprinting and dodging
Jumping can be performed in any direction (including with no directional input). Sharing a key with dodging, limits your jumping abilities. Also, hitting the key before making the right directional input, will take you off the floor. This prevents you from dodging for a second or so, which might cause your death. Jumping should have its own key. And it should definitely not share a key with dodging.
Sprinting can only be performed forward, while dodging can only be performed sidewards and backwards. There is no overlap between the two and they both are actions that boost your horizontal movement (also, both affect your stamina bar). It is an easy connection for the brain, that those two functions would share the same key. If you accidentally press the key before hitting the right directional input, you just do nothing, or start sprinting instead of performing a dodge. That is no issue because you can still correct your input and dodge immediately.
Directional overlap limits one of the two functions to only 2/5 possible directions
Can kill you upon slightly bad input timing
Similar type of movement
No overlap at all
Bad input timing causes no issues
It is very obvious, that one of the two options has clear downsides.
It is very obvious, that one of the two options is objectively better.
I am not getting defensive. Facts are simply not something to disagree about. You “disagreeing“ about objective facts, shows that you are not thinking about this logically.
So i won‘t keep discussing with you.
My suggested change would make the default keybinds better.
If you are used to the way they are now, you might want to keep using the same settings that you are used to, but that does not mean that you have to claim that what you are used to is fine, or that the problems are non issues.
Non-issue. You’ve got to work with your dodges, they shouldn’t be a crutch.
Untrue. Having a single key be able to both jump and dodge depending on other inputs is quite convenient… I personally don’t want to have my left hand across the entire keyboard like a huntsman spider just to alternate between jumping and dodging.
What you’re saying is blatantly subjective and debatable. I’m willing to debate but sure, just ignore my argument and throw insults, I suppose.
Dodging is used to dodge attacks.
If you jump instead of dodging, the attack will hit you.
If that attack kills you, you died because of an issue with the keybind.
Apparently, your opinion is, that “using dodges to evade attacks” is crutching.
Apparently it is fine to do that though, when you want to alternate between dodging and sptinting.
Which is strange, because both of those actions are far more commonly used, than jumping.
Ok. Sure.
In your “reality“, being mid air does not actually prevent you from dodging, and the inputs for dodging vs jumping sidewards and backwards do not actually overlap, even when they are identical.
Happy for you.
Here is a comprehensive list of all arguments that you made in this “debate“, before accusing me of ignoring them.
Btw, there is not a single case of me insulting you in this thread.
Everyone would be happy, because the default setting would make more sense and cause no more issues during gameplay, which is good for new players.
And anyone who wants to use different settings for any reason, could still use those by manually changing them (or due to default setting changes not affecting existing players in the first place).
Changing the default settings has no impact on the player’s ability to manually change the settings.
If someone wants to change their settings to someone else, they are not affected at all.
“If they change the default keybinds, I would want the option to keep using my current keybinds.”
is equal to saying
“If they changed the default weapons that our characters start out with, i would want the option to still use the weapons that i am using right now.”.
It seems like Khorne just wants to be an contrarian/pizza cutter.
No, you were just becoming increasingly defensive over me saying I’d prefer it if YOU were the one who had to toggle the separation of the two keys. I don’t care enough about dodging of all things to sort through keybinds for it, but it seems you do. Apparently, it’s “contrarian” to expect those who care to take action instead of inconveniencing those who don’t.
Outside of your fantasy land, nobody would be inconvenienced. I already explained that.
Your only theoretically reasonable argument was your “huntsman spider-hand” argument. But as it turns out, that is an argument FOR changing the settings to what i suggested.
Ah, I see. Yes, I love your minimalistic UI. I’d love to use it if I could have reliable audio that would represent all enemies correctly. Kudos though, very cool!