The game isn't nearly as bad as people are making it out to be

Agreed. the negativity is really boring and tedious. Dogpile after dogpile, one endless dramatic riot. It’s all in rather poor taste if you ask me.

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But they are. You see, what you say is great, it’s coming from everyone and not just you.
Everyone with bad reviews stated how the gameplay is great, music is top notch for 40k setting, level design, the architecture, they got that right. Thanks to Dan Abnett.
What everyone is shi*tting on and for a good reason is that the STUFF is MISSING, that they PROMISED. Countless threads about this and you still don’t get it. Essence of the game is not just gameplay, it gets stale for everyone just pew pewing stuff all the time without anything else to do.

Reason you’re liking the game so much is probably because you just see it as another fps, which is fine on it’s own. What is not fine, it’s dogsh*t given it’s a Wh40k game, the premise of the game, how it was presented is completely different to what we have.
It had massive potential to be something great, instead it launched in an alpha state. And that sticks with people, if you have character. If not, well… You’re gonna come back with your tail between your legs the moment they throw you a bone.

I have yet to see a single post of someone bashing devs themselves, it’s mostly criticism about management, how either GW or 50Cent forced Tuna to launch this mess.
Point is, should we be praising Tuna for launching the game in its state? Not a chance in hell. And why does every criticism on this forum equal negativity to you? How else are they gonna learn? They got praised for what is done right. Why should fu*kups be praised?

You never got criticism or praisal at your job for your efficiency/inefficiency? I straight up got told to my face I’m gonna get sacked unless I fix what’s wrong. Guess what? I started doing things right and everything is peachy.


What worries me about the endless torrent of criticism is how it may affect the devs despite the fact they are not the target of it. Yes, I see that it is directed at management and that people acknowledge the actual game devs themselves did their jobs. That doesn’t change the fact that boycotting the game and building a cult around spreading the word of “don’t buy this game” is still going to end up potentially killing the studio. “Oh, but that’s that’s whole point, to convince management to change their ways”. The higher-ups do what they do to because they will get away unscathed no matter what happens to the game or studio. That’s expendable to them. All of the actual consequences of this crusading will only really hurt the devs who just did their jobs and had no say in the scheduling of the game launch. I suspect this whole riot is meant to shut down the studio for good to erase competition for some other upcoming game. And I still see no one has acknowledged a post I made earlier in this thread, where I pointed out the disparity between the effort and polish put into vermintide 2, and the size of the playerbase it managed to attract. The juice may just not be worth the squeeze, and all of this demanding for more without backing it up with support, and worse discouraging it from potential newcomers, is only exacerbating the situation. Killing the studio that actually makes the game possible to “fight back” at entities like GW and tencent is laughable for all the wrong reasons.

BTW this game is still good except for the music and premium cosmetics.

I agree, I am actually pretty happy with the game. It is certainly not perfect or finished, but the game play is excellent and that’s one of the harder parts for a game. If it was the other way around and the shops and other issues were good, but the gameplay was trash I would be much more upset and concerned. Fat shark should not have launched it as a finished game, and they definitely have made some bad choices, but I like the game and hope they will continue to develop and improve it.


heck yes I been saying this is all intentional, just did a thread about it with the scoreboard and toxicity.


I don’t care about the microtransactions, I supported them in VT2. I don’t like that the pricing is expensive - I think the prices are free to play mobile games ones, not paid game ones, but whatever.

I agree on all of those, but they are match criteria. There is a difference to me between a game (which I call a match) and the game.
Everything match related is amazing. Some balance issues, but that’s no big deal.
Everything game related, aka the mourningstar, is bad and intentionally bad : and that is a big problem because matches become vety quickly very repetitive and therefore boring. What keeps the game fresh is the meta-game systems, mainly crafting. The huge arsenal and talent options is what allows the game to stay new when you as a player are given thousands if not millions of combinations, and these options are currently not available because of the horrendous RNG in the shop (not allowing you to get the weapon you want) and the lacking crafting system not allowing you to build a weapon you want and not allowing divresity in your builds.


The game is literally broken, fatshark should probably refund everyone.


Thats a lot of meaningless speculation chief.

What do you expect in response? You’re implying that VT2 may not have had enough regular players for Fatshark to have considered it successful? Based on what?

What? You do realise that GW and tencent make money off of Fatshark dont you? If anything theyre supporting them.

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I just think it’s a possibility and does a better job of explaining fatsharks actions with darktide than the other ideas I’ve seen tossed around this forum. Unfortunately I do not have any scientific papers to back this up.

What led you to believe I wrote that sentence to say GW and Tencent want to kill Fatshark?

Missread the phrasing, thought you meant darktide was somehow fighting back against tencent and GW

I don’t think the game is awful, but it is woefully unfinished and plagued with technical problems. It may one day be good, but in its current state, I cannot recommend it to anyone without the caveat that they’re paying $40 for a beta test.


If they’d just kept the “early access” label, a lot of the hate could’ve been avoided. Of course, eternal early access is sometimes a thing and definitely something to be avoided, but a bit of an extension in this case (at least until all the core features were present) would’ve helped a lot I think.


You basing issue with the game based off your opinion ignoring very existent facts is why i would say you are bait posting

we clearly have differing opinions on this topic, but you blatantly disregarded a very valid criticism.
Missing what can be said is a core feature of the game when the shop is as god awful as it is, among other things. When the devs/pr/Fatshark said they wanted to give us a lot of player agency and then dropped 1/4 of the crafting systems and did nothing about the time-gated/RNG-gated shops, and then made it so mission select is well… just compare it to vermintide. Id say actions speak louder than words.

So, me and other people have spoken on the forums and continue to do so, also took action by telling people, “HEY, dont buy the game, its mostly not worth the money and its not even finished!”

I agree the combat is fun, the music is SPECTACULAR (i was headboppin waiting to get in during the 2nd closed listening to the soundtrack), and the maps do look really stinking cool. But I feel entitled to a finished game with finished in game systems. And my steam review saying its not worth it right now reflected that.


Hold up you edited in a ton of stuff.

What’s valid about it? The game not having crafting currently is doing a great job of keeping my interest.

The valid criticism is based of the fact that promises were made, and then broken. The crafting system was a part of the game that was not done. Id easily say is an undisputable fact that it is unfinished and incomplete, yet the game was released as “completed” and that it was being sold as the “full game”.

also if you havent seen it, there was a further edit to the previous post

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I agree with this portion of your post, the character variety not as much cause i came from V2 and it feels lacking in comparison

I dont agree with this as you knowingly left out something like the crafting system being incomplete as a negative, which you could have simply mentioned in the original post as something you personally were cool without. But without that your original post comes across as if people are wrong with most of their gripes and from my point of view its to a degree making light of the issues others have with the game, i.e. me saying it was baiting

i will acknowledge that i came to your post shortly after leaving this one which was a bait post
and that that likely impacted my opinion/view of your post. which is why i commented more to use the forum as a place to talk instead of just doing what you called me out for not to long ago ( just saying you were baiting with your post)

ive seen people post comments stating that fatshark had put out patch notes with certain details and then deleted those details just prior to releasing the patch. i cant argue with something like that but im not aware of any kind of marketing for crafting in darktide prior to launch, because i didnt keep up with the game until it was already in open beta. after a quick google search i found this article

with a quote that states: “We had another crafting system that we realized just wasn’t good enough,” he said. “So we ripped it out and started over, and created a completely new crafting system which will be much much better. When we took that decision, it was not a happy day in the office. But we felt that we had to do it. And it’s going to come, and it’s going to come very soon.”

this makes the argument that ive seen on this forum already (“if they had time for the cosmetics shop they had time for crafting”) look very disingenuous, which further reinforces my opinion that there are bad actors on this site who are trying to ruin the playerbase and support of this game. The decision outlined in that quote is a tough call that shows both integrity on the part of the devs and also a pride in their work. They are willing to take a hit in the short run to both their reputation and their wallets so they can bring us something that they feel is up to their standards. Has this specific conversation already happened before on this forum or reddit? im curious to know how people have responded to this, because i think it creates a bad look for anyone still trying to justify killing this playerbase on the grounds the devs simply didnt do their due in regards to the crafting system.

its adequate. i dont think it deserves the high praise it gets but i wont go so far as to say it is bad.

somebody made a post further up suggesting that it would have been wiser for fatshark to release the game in an “early access” state to temper expectations, and I think thats fair. That still doesnt excuse people from ignoring statements by the devs that are honest in their drawbacks but also their intended benefits down the line.


a) The game isn´t even sold as what normally considered as “full prize game”, so being sold as “full game”, when we already know there will be updates / DLC´s is pretty hard to say.

b) As someone else said in another post, you don´t pay for the game, you pay for a service. And yes that´s exactly what it is and this service will end some day when the server shut down. Other games might offer such services F2P, but the most come with dozens of FOMO, lootboxes, battlepasses, gatekeeping etc…
Right now you pay for the entrance to something that will be supported for sure, and that you´ve access to it no matter what happens, unless the game will run the direction of Destiny vaulting content and force you to spend 100 bucks each year.

Is the game polished in every way? No. Is crafting fully implemented? No.
There is no excuse for that and i´m fully aware that crafting is very important for one or another.
But the gameplay is there and the most stuff works fine, meanwhile a lot of stuff will change every day and new issues might come across developing.
No hard excuse, we can argue day per day, we can shitstorm day per day, but it doesn´t change the fact that all FS needs right now is time to fix stuff and to implement the rest of crafting.
Reviewbombing or claiming bs here won´t help. In the worst case it´ll decrease the longevity of the game and also puts nothing but stress on the devs, so the next issues are pre-programmed.

the post where i said “not me”? yeah i figured that post would just look silly and harmless. i dont think it warrants any serious response and so i wouldnt consider it “bait”.