Ooh, i’ve made many posts here ever since closed beta on pick (less than shields tho).
I can’t believe some1 defends the pick. Simply because its able to kills hordes with slayers awesome perks such as damage resist, leap, +25% movement speed after leap, and probably swift slaying(which have great synergy with leap - faster attacks means more chances to proc SS).
Played Ironbreaker yesterday with pick+handgun, and the risk:reward ratio is way too high outside of horde fights, and in horde fights w/o great speed boosts its loses a bit to greathammer due to worse swing angles - not quite good at controlling enemies in wide arcs.
The high risk comes from:
The weapon is soo clumsy when you cant block mid swing, and a long time after it hits, for all attack types. Its fine if it could be compensated good enough, but its not.
Mobility is bad with its block run speed and dodge. Would be fine if compensated enough, again.
So we have low mobility weapon that gets you bogged down easily if you’re required to kite, each swing is a risk(esp. chargeds), because of slow wind-ups, cant block mid swing and for a time after it connects even, which is a very rare trait.
And what good it does:
- high mass limit for stagger on lights, whith good range and not bad attack rate.
And thats pretty much it. Damage cleave is low, the damage to 2nd+ targets is low, so its horde dps isnt impressive, ok fine, its cc+dps against hordes. But should an elite insert himself into the fray, you suddenly become nerfed way too hard.
Because here’s what greathammer/1h hammer have, but pick has not: faster single target attack with strong damage. It doesnt matter if, lets say, a pick deals double damage in heavy charged relative to 2h hammer light - if it takes double the time it becomes simply unusable in any real, ongoing fight. And i’ve used it with +10% atk speed on IB, getting punished half the time i tried to utilize Chargeds in difficult situations.
So my opinion is that if you, say as a dev, double the charge/windup time of a swing (charged pick), then you need to increase the damage not by the same factor, to match the same theoretical dps. You have to account for the practical side, like making sure the risk:reward ratio is equal. And the current charged attack damages are actually very pitiful, you need ~15% power breakpoint to make heavy charge one-bs a stormvermin(!). The charged attacks should either be much faster, or deal much more damage.
I like the damage way, bodyshot damage is doubled accross the board, with less focus in headshots(less damage finesse multi). And the heavy charged remains unique, but becomes actually viable.