Being forced to unlock/upgrade blessings I don’t want before I can improve the ones I do want feels bad.
It feels exactly like being forced into selecting tax nodes in the talent tree.
Edit: Upon further reflection, I think that the bigger part of my issue is the way unlocking works, rather than the fact that they have to be unlocked. Full transparency, I do not like weapon grind.
When the “grind up your weapons” thing was originally announced, I was envisioning something akin to the penance reward system, where we unlocked a static, predetermined order of blessings as we gained more weapon XP. Instead, we’re presented with all of the blessings at once and told that we have to spend points on blessings we don’t want.
The perception of freedom to choose is present, but the reality is that there is no freedom. THIS is what makes it feel so bad, at least to me.
The HD2 warbond system worked because the costs for the stuff you cared about was almost always high enough (80%+) that having to make up the difference with something you care less about, ended up being unproblematic. Those additional choices are also either more currency or cosmetic so you’re happy to take them regardless.
DTs adaptation doesn’t feel this way because the cost for getting what you want is equal to getting something you don’t care about and you have to chose from both.
I’m not suggesting that the point costs be adjusted for the “good” blessings as that’d be nonsensical. I am however suggesting that those forced point costs be adjusted or downright removed.
The new system is dumb, just let me T4 anything I want in any order I want.
Fatshark has this constant pathological need to have players engage with all content evenly, but players are in this to have fun and will naturally gravitate towards their favourites no matter how many obstacles you use to waste time.
New system is clearly not what omnissiah want. I can grab gold and plasteel and feed Hadron with tons of green items. Not what MASTERY should look like.
They added the sacrifice system in response to the feedback (from these forums) that players would not be happy with being forced to play the game with each weapon family to level them up.
False equivalence, it was so that you aren’t forced to play with new unlevelled, unblessed, unperked weapons if you have resources around already (IE. having played a lot already). It’s an alternate path to levelling that only really is an option if you’ve played a lot already.
Melk, Brunt and Hadron were all going to remain part of the system, to give players access to top tier weapons (sans perfect control of the end result) before mastery was completed. But the sacrificing system was seemingly added as an alternative leveling mechanism after feedback from players.
Yes, because there were concerns on the translation between the old and new item systems for people who have already spent a lot of time with the game. And it was pretty well justified with how oddly wonky the actual translation ended up. Props to Fatshark for adding that in.
The arguments I recall reading were that playing with maxed weapon families would be wasted time and that new weapons dropping would require hours of grind. But yes, the sacrifice system fixes those issues (and more), so kudos to FS for adding it.
I suspect they’re referring to the fact that you have to bring blessing masteries up tiers together, rather than boosting the ones you want to tier 4 first and ignoring the undesirables.
Then that would mean you’d only need like 2-5 mastery levels to get T4 blessings. He could probably see how that would be a bad thing but is probably willfuly ignorant of it.