The best way to play darktide is to not, and that is the epitome of bad game design

This is why solo mod is occupying most of my play time. There’s so much death being served sideways in games with players above room temperature IQ it feels like there’s next to no threat from the heretics.

Enter 3 useless or completely absent bots.

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Probably because they did try using the crafting system but didn’t like it. I have like (checks steam) 456 hours in Darktide. 4 characters and I am missing key blessings for important builds. And I was exhausted from trying. Wanted to do shovel on Ogyrn… No thank you. Too much work. Was never interested in shovels so don’t have a pool of bases nor many blessings (would get them from emps gifts).

If I resigned myself to ignoring the painful parts to just have fun I would also ignore all the crafting mats.

I just disagree with how easy you think it is to even get a good 375 weapon with blessings and perks and stats that are all around what you want, even if not exactly.


sometimes i feel fatshark had it backwards and should have placed mats across the map with the purpose of crafting visual enhancements or simply skins and small trinket stuff while making the weaponry available in linear hierarchy.

that way you’d have an incentive to explore at your leisure whilst keeping the tools needed to do so in reasonable reach.

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It’s by design. It’s designed to waste time, and the best solution to that is always to not play. Unfortunately I doubt that whatever rework they’re planning changes that inherent core design. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it does, but it’s as you say: if this isn’t what they wanted the crafting to be, they would’ve alleviated this by now.

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as I said, you have close to 20% chances to get what you want:

(small notes: this stats were made by crafting 138 weapons 375+ and involved 162 811 plasteels and 55 149 diamantines - This is real amount of materials I used…)

But you have an average 2% chances to get a perfect weapon.

The problem is not to obtain an excellent weapon. Again, the problem is the time needed to get it. We all play games to take fun, and we should all agree that it is not fun to spend hundred hours to just get something to take fun with.
20% chances to get an excellent weapon is not bad. However, this is just for one weapon.

This means 1450 plasteels / 425 diamantine (values for 380 weapon, so a little less for a 375).
1450 plasteel x 5 = 7 250 plasteels to craft 5 weapons, so to get normally (unless you are totally unlucky) an excellent weapon
means at least 9 missions in damnation. We will consider that you don’t fail any (I doubt of it, but let’s consider it). It means an average of 9 x 30 min = 4 hours 30 minutes without any pause. Let’s say 5 to 6 hours. This means you have to spend 5 to 6 hours to get an excellent weapon while playing damnation, this means 12 hours on heresy, 24 hours on malice… JUST FOR ONE WEAPON!!!

And normally, you would want to have curios (x3 but not hard to get something valuable) and also… an other weapon (as we have two slots).
This means for a casual player that play on malice, they need up to 48 hours of gaming session to get 2 excellent weapons. This is simply impossible for a casual player.
Now, if we multiply this by the number of weapon you will want to test, then you get into a nightmare. This is what is the biggest failure of this game and described by several as a game that does not reward your time. In fact, it does… but so few that it drives away any non hard core gamer.

I have 2 302,6 gaming hours… so that’s normal I have close to everything… and yet I do not have discovered every blessings, and have not all my chars with all weapons I would have wanted to test. That’s also a reason why I tend to focus on my vet and zealot, cause this is the two chars with valuable equipment.

So don’t get me wrong… I hate this system, and I consider it a failure.
I just say that you can still take fun in the game and that the locks are not something that could forbid you to play with what you want… however, the system implies that you will have to spend so much time that it is outrageous and is a wall for a lot of players that just want to spend a good time after their workday.


i spent 2 mil ordo for 1 380 weapon, dump stat was damage, i now call it my go to handicap weapon to break rust and for general play

all about perspective guys


many people think this specifically is the end game

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Hey, TZ, can I ask you something?

i dont think ill have much to say but shoot




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deleted cause unneeded now… applied the final solution to double/triple posts

(post deleted by author)


I’ve got some 550 god rolls that allow me to do some wild stuff. It doesn’t mean I don’t want a better system for everyone.


Exactly this. Variety is the spice of life!


I feel like there are some subjective elements here that aren’t so easily quantifiable.

It’s “easy” to calculate what the odds are for a perfect weapon… But the odds of getting a weapon you “want” (I am interpreting this as “good enough”) is hard, because what are you compromising on? Blessing types? Tier of blessing? Perks? Stats? Weapon mark?

20% would mean after 5 tries (not exactly but roughly) I should have what I want, and that’s probably assuming I have the blessings unlocked at the tiers that I want (which I probably don’t).

I have gone through dozens, if not hundreds, when I was looking for a mark 3 combat blade looking for lacerate and (I can’t even remember now). Stats it was like 360+ and perks I was willing to sacrifice on, unless it was something dumb like sprint speed.

For power sword I easily bought a hundred bases from brunt’s looking for power cycler tier 4 and gave up.

Yeah on all my characters I struggled and eventually got weapons I finally compromised on… But I don’t care to go through that whole process for new weapons ESPECIALLY new weapons types where I don’t nearly have the same blessing library.

All this to say, I don’t think you can quantity in an Excel sheet exactly what the line is for someone to consider a weapon “good enough” and I don’t think it’s 20%. Maybe like 3-5% (from my experience). After level 30. And if you have the blessings unlocked.

Also, you have lots of characters of the same class… You don’t play psyker and Ogyrn. And a lot of hours. Which means collecting blessings would be easier for you than someone like me who wants one character of each “class” and doesn’t want to reuse weapons across classes to have more diversity (as much as gun psyker seems cool I will only used staves for variety and save guns for the other 3).


correct about this… I assume that you already have the blessings… (this add to the wall of time I described)

Melk’s store is the easier way to get it. However, I encountered it at least one time while crafting.

Again… we can see things a little differently but we agree that the current system is AWFUL.
My point is that this is an awful system cause it puts a wall of time. At Tencent, they may think like on a smartphone that it can push people to spend more money… but they have just lost a lot of potential customers.
This added to the outrageous prices for cosmetics, I can understand that the launcher shows the cosmetics when you launch the game… however, I don’t think it will improve the sales, cause they ask too much (the price of a DLC for one cosmetic? no way)

They could solve this by a bad fix but that could work without even changing the system. Just increasing the material drops in missions. I hope that they would put a system without any RNG, but I don’t think it will happen (sad things is that the game would be 2 000 times better).

the system of my dream

Consecrating gives you points that you can spend freely to increase modifiers, put one perk or two or one blessing or two… (scope, light). You could choose anything freely
you could also add accessories (scope, light etc) that could be changed just before launching a mission.
Weapons could not be modified for modifiers / perks / blessings. And the game would introduce a slight decay. The idea is to replace Brunt. The decay would have to be enough strong to see your weapon deteriorating little by little and not too strong to not force you to have to run after materials.
This can also permit a reparation system, a recycle system etc…

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I mean, I used the browser plugin for armoury and melks for months. I work from home, so I had that plugin open like… 16 hours a day sometime. Quickly snag it, then quit and back to work. Every hour. It was exhausting. The first year the game came out I was very on top of it.

I STILL don’t have power cycler tier 4.

I guess I should have woken up every hour too when I slept.