as I said, you have close to 20% chances to get what you want:
(small notes: this stats were made by crafting 138 weapons 375+ and involved 162 811 plasteels and 55 149 diamantines - This is real amount of materials I used…)
But you have an average 2% chances to get a perfect weapon.
The problem is not to obtain an excellent weapon. Again, the problem is the time needed to get it. We all play games to take fun, and we should all agree that it is not fun to spend hundred hours to just get something to take fun with.
20% chances to get an excellent weapon is not bad. However, this is just for one weapon.
This means 1450 plasteels / 425 diamantine (values for 380 weapon, so a little less for a 375).
1450 plasteel x 5 = 7 250 plasteels to craft 5 weapons, so to get normally (unless you are totally unlucky) an excellent weapon
means at least 9 missions in damnation. We will consider that you don’t fail any (I doubt of it, but let’s consider it). It means an average of 9 x 30 min = 4 hours 30 minutes without any pause. Let’s say 5 to 6 hours. This means you have to spend 5 to 6 hours to get an excellent weapon while playing damnation, this means 12 hours on heresy, 24 hours on malice… JUST FOR ONE WEAPON!!!
And normally, you would want to have curios (x3 but not hard to get something valuable) and also… an other weapon (as we have two slots).
This means for a casual player that play on malice, they need up to 48 hours of gaming session to get 2 excellent weapons. This is simply impossible for a casual player.
Now, if we multiply this by the number of weapon you will want to test, then you get into a nightmare. This is what is the biggest failure of this game and described by several as a game that does not reward your time. In fact, it does… but so few that it drives away any non hard core gamer.
I have 2 302,6 gaming hours… so that’s normal I have close to everything… and yet I do not have discovered every blessings, and have not all my chars with all weapons I would have wanted to test. That’s also a reason why I tend to focus on my vet and zealot, cause this is the two chars with valuable equipment.
So don’t get me wrong… I hate this system, and I consider it a failure.
I just say that you can still take fun in the game and that the locks are not something that could forbid you to play with what you want… however, the system implies that you will have to spend so much time that it is outrageous and is a wall for a lot of players that just want to spend a good time after their workday.