So first of all… why does everyone have to open a new thread? I´m pretty sure, that you wrote down your idea in this one:
Everyone here and even FS will lose the overview about all ideas and the most ppl be meant to / will write the same things over and over again in every thread.
This would be the same as before. Especially “melee something” benefits from the temp - health. Crit wouldn´t make it better, because dd´s with a high critchance (WS, pyro , BH, huntsman) will have a big advantage again the rest of the careers. + 3 of them already have…
And as long as some careers are able to kill about 90% of the enemies from the distance, the 1 health from range kills will last in a grey healthbar and nothing really changed.
This idea wouldn´t change anything as long as the ppl are able to smash LMB in my eyes. Any “nerf” of the temp health would last in “How dare you FS”. It needs a big rework, just number - handling would make it “broken” (like it already is) or just useless. + you can´t balance it overall (tanks, supports, hardcore - dd´s)