Taunting Blow - Ogrin's Blessing - Does it exist?

I am pretty sure that is a tier 4 blessing, but did anyone see it, or have it?
Please share the screenshot of it.

Also, here’s the question, can I roll it with Hardon’s help?

Pretty sure it is a blessing in the code but not available in game. Games lantern doesn’t seem to differentiate between blessings that can and cannot actually appear in game.


I remember seeing “toughness damage reduction, up to 30%” or something like that for curios on GamesLantern. Maaan did I get excited and let down

Yea there’s a lot of cool blessings going unused. Like restoring dodge efficiency after successfully dodging with the duelling sword, slower but no HP damage plasma active venting and my favorite one that would give you +1 Explosion on energized hit against armor with the power maul. Instead you get things like the Crusher’s blessing list.


Damn, that’s a bummer

Is it a bug or intentional I wonder.

Remember when we were on the wrong Vermintide 2 build for weeks and the devs thought we were playing a different build version?

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I kinda think we are, numerous bugged chests returned and ogryn’s stagger resistances keep getting grotted over to where I’m running toughness on single heavy + 3x 30% toughness regens and T3 confident strike to keep from getting assaulted with hitstuns. At least I can do the servo skull as him without a melee hit stopping him, which is needed when pubbing.

It’s in the code but unused as other have said, it was meant to roll on blunts (ha).

See it in github editor

taunt_target_on_hit = {
		class_name = "proc_buff",
		predicted = false,
		proc_events = {
			[proc_events.on_hit] = 1
		conditional_proc_func = ConditionalFunctions.is_item_slot_wielded,
		proc_func = function (params, template_data, template_context)
			local attacked_unit = params.attacked_unit

			if not attacked_unit then

			local unit = template_context.unit

			Threat.add_flat_threat(attacked_unit, unit, 500)

I rember seeing a bully club i got with taunt on it during the open beta wiekend

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